The Switch - Chapter Three

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Rhona - The Witch Bitch 😉 ^^^


        Packing light is a phrase women obviously never heard of. We had just landed at the London airport, and we have been at the luggage section for the past half hour, waiting for the last two bags out of nine that Jo had brought on this trip.

       I swear, if she wasn't someone I cared about, then I would already be in a taxi right now, driving us to the pack house.

       "Joanna, we're only here for four days. What the hell could you possibly need in those four days that require nine suit cases?" Dixon was the one to finally ask the millionth dollar question. Jo just rolled her eyes.

        "You think I'm going to stand in front of the Council for the first time without carefully and drastically putting some serious thought into my outfit?" she exaggerates. "Beside since I'm the Gamma, that means my meeting with the council is the last day, giving me three days, eighteen hours and thirty-six minutes to choose my outfit wisely."

       "Who the hell you trying to impress? It's just the council," I say bluntly, not caring one bit about what they think about me. They can't take away my title, I mean, they can but it's my birth right. I was born Delta. It's not like if they wanna replace me, anyone is going to want to think about taking it. Everyone in the pack knows better than to get on my bad side. And they know taking my Delta position after I just lost it, would definitely be considered getting on my bad side.

        Jo gasped, staring at me like I have four heads. "Just the council? Your kidding me, right Jens?"

       "No, I'm not actually. Who cares about a bunch of snobby, old ass puppy scums?"

       "Those snobby, old ass puppy scums have all the power in the world to turn your sorry ass into dust with just a snap of their fingers," I turn at the sound of high pitched voice, glaring when I see it was only Rhona.

       "And why did we have to bring you again?" I questioned for the billionth time.

       "Because Jensen, just like the rest of you, the Council has to make sure I'm suitable to do my title as guardian of you whiney little puppies." She explains once more, causing me to chuckle.

       "You mean, Guardian of our Luna, right? Your soul purpose in this pack is to the protector of only the Alpha's mate," I reminded her. "I hate to break it to you, little witch, looks like your gonna be outta the job."

       "Jensen, shut up." Dixon snapped, causing me to roll my eyes.

       "Oh come on, we're all thinking it."

       "Better watch your mouth boy, or by the looks of it, that pretty face of yours won't be so pretty anymore." Rhona points out the bruise on the side of my face.

       So, Montgomery may or may not of found me after the meeting with the Elders and personally beat the shit out of me for nearly spilling his big dark secret. It took three guys to manage to pull Montgomery off of me. I could of taken him. But in my defense, I was dealing with an Alpha... that and I was still hungover as fuck.

        Thanks to my intense super healing, my broken nose was healed, my busted lip had gone down and the bruises on my face were fading. Unfortunately though, you can still tell I got my ass handed to me.

       "Please, that asshole just got lucky," I scoff, obviously not admitting to anything. "I'd like to see him take me now that I'm fully sober."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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