The Switch - Chapter Two

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This sexy specimen is my boy Kendall^^^


I pull up to the side of the drive thru of Mocha Loca, waiting patiently for them to hand me my order. I love that this place has a drive thru now, only because my good for nothing boss throws a huge fit whenever I am late. She is such a slag I swear...

You would think being an assistant to one of your favorite journalist of all time would be a dream come true. Bloody hell, I thought it was at one point in time, considering how young I am, but when I found out what a witch she was, I completely regretted it.

Don't get me wrong, Angelina Fergus is still my hero when it come to journalism, but her personality is the worst. She is the definition behind the phrase, the bark is worst then the bite. But in her case, the bite might be ten times worse.

Journalism is something I always held a deep passion for. Has been since I was a young lad and my grandmother had given me my first journal. Since then, I had written down everything that has ever happened in my life, which isn't much to be honest.

Being a social outcast in my school, I didn't have many friends. Only one to be exact. She being my best mate ever. Even she never understood my need to write everything down. It just became bespoken for me to do so. It's not much of a surprise to anyone when I told them I wanted to pursue a profession in writing.

"Two low fat caramel macchiato's and an egg and bacon breakfast sandwich," the lady repeats the order as she hands me the tray and a bag which contain my meal. Thanking her, I gave her the money, telling her to keep the change as I drove off in a hurry.

See it doesn't matter how early I manage to get to there, Ms. Fergus always finds a way to accuse me of being late. I could stay there the entire night, and she will still think I showed up late.

The women is the devil.

After driving through Block E parking lot, I managed to find my usual spot, quickly grabbing the files from the back and balancing the tray on top, I made my way to the elevator, using my key card to head to the twenty fifth floor. Looking down at my watch, I notice I am exactly 20 minutes early. Ms. Fergus doesn't get here till exactly eight o'clock on the dot.

As soon as I reached my floor, I head straight into the building, ignoring that gasps coming from everyone's lips as they watch me, knowing that since I'm here, the devil herself isn't to far away.

Heading straight to my desk, I put the files down along with the tray and I quickly throw my jacket over me, tightening my tie. Mitch, one of my co-workers and closest mates leans over to my desk, his expression a little frighten. "How long?"

I look down at my watch once more, before my eyes widen. "Three minutes." I tell him, before quickly getting onto the instant message that connects to every computer in the office, besides Ms. Fergus of course.

Six minutes until the eagle lands.

As soon as I hit sent, everyone's becomes alert as they all rushed to there own desk, getting prepared for when she comes. I quickly grab the tray and run over to the elevator, waiting nervously for that ding I hope never comes.

Of course, luck was never in my favor.

The obnoxious sound of the elevator doors opens and there stood a tall, bright red headed women. She was dressed in her usual plain black pants suit, black high heels that matched. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, her glasses on the bridge of her nose as she types away on her cell. She takes a step out of the elevator without looking at anyone, holding her hand out.

The Switch (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now