Part One

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First book on new account, a little excited! Okay, I'm more than excited, I'm jumping up and down with happiness only because I have wanted to post this story for ever but never had the kinks out right... but now I do so everything is all ready to go.

Now I would like to get a few things out of the way and clear some things up:

1) Yes, this is a boyxboy story. Meaning that there is some serious guy on guy action. I understand some people might have a problem with this so that's why I take the time a warn you so you can hit the back button on the top left corner of whatever device your using, because neither I nor anyone else who is reading, needs any negativity nor will it be tolerated.

2) Every werewolf story is different. For this story, I have taken some tips from a regular mate stories and even made up some terms and rules of my own. Meaning, that some of the stories you have read by other authors may be different than what I will portray. But most of the basics are all the same.

3) Last but not least, a confession. This is weird saying, but I just don't want anyone to be too disappointed. Yes, there will be sex scenes... but I hate to tell you this, they might not be as frequent as other stories have them. Reason behind that is because... I'm not exactly the best a writing those types of scenes so I am just giving people a heads up in case they were hoping for a lot of them. If they suck, I did warn you. Just don't be cruel in the comments, alright? All I ask.

That's it for now, thanks for listening to me ramble and please enjoy the first installment of The White Waters Series. ❤️😱☺️🐺

Enjoy 😉

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