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"Farther!" Called Karai. "I'm back~" You fluttered your eyes open. Must have taken a cat nap. Karai placed you on the ground next to a dog bed. You immediately curled up on it. After Karai unclipped Sebastian's collar, he curled up around you aswell.

"Awww~" Cooed Karai "I'll be right back, okay my little preciouses?"


Time skip~~~~

"Im back guys~" Karai waltz over and sat criss-cross-apple-sauce infront of the bed. She started stroking you behind your ears.

"So those people I was talking about" This caught your attention, cause you sorta figured out that those people were Beebop and Rocksteady "I don't really like them, they work for my dad" She continued. This made you purr. You had something in common.
"They told me how they hurt you. And I'm glad your okay"

You slowly tilted your head to look up at her and smiled.

"Oh, they also told me you were a special kitty"

"Mew?"    ("Watchu mean?")

"They said that you had pretty wings. And you fell from the sky. That's when little prince charming here saved you. Hmmm, charming...... Yo dog, your names Charming now, K?"

"Arph!"      ("Hells yea!")

"So, about your wings.... did you really have some or what?"

You turn your head to look at Bashi. A questioning look, a look waiting for approval.

"Should I show her? Charming~"

Bashi pov~~~~~~

'Hmmm. Karai gave me a great pet name. And she's nice. Trusting? Yeah. My name sounds so good coming from (Y/N)!'

"Yeah. She is our new owner. Oh btw we should stay in these forms"

'I can keep her safer this way'

Back to you~~~~~~

"Yeah. This form. I agree."

"Are you two done with your little quarrys?" Laughed out Karai.

"Mew reow mweow?" ("Will you still love me?")

"Come on kitty cod, don't be scared" Karai some how read your mind. Her comforting words gave you the courage to reveal yourself.

You stood up on all 4. You magestically (?) spread your wings. They joined at your shoulder blades. Your wings were a different colour (or shade) from your normal soft fur. They feathers, at that said spot of your spine, blended in. Your feathers grew more of a personality from when you first had them.  They were still that angelic white colour but the tips of your feathers were (colour of fur or f/c I don't really care).

Karai store (or stared) in awe. Her hands outstreach and gently caressed your wings.

"Your amazing" She breathed out. "Your like an angel kitty. But I can't call you that, now, can I? Your so regal. Like a Princess. But, I don't know. Hmmm, how about, Lady? Lady (p/n) (pet name) (btw imma call you just lady anyway ;D)

"Ha! She just went through like all of my other obvious pet names" You scoffed.

"Awww, Princess sounded really good tho" wined 'Charming'.

"Well Charming~ I think my new name is lovely"

"Indeed it is Mi lady~"

"Ah, I see your name has enduced more chivalry into you"

"I once again, am at fault to your ever growing knowledge"

"Oh shush now-"

"Are you two done bickering?" Interupted Karai. She giggled at your attitude towards each other. She obviously had no clue what you were actually saying. But she guess it was on your new names.

You both turn your attentions to her. You sigh and relax. Karai, still sitting cross-legged, opened her arms in a 'i wanna hug' kinda way.

Sebastian, or Charming, as we now know, was the first to act. He jumped up and happily trotted over to Karai. Curling up in her lap. Karai giggled and scratched under his chin.


You walked over there and gently hopped up onto Sebastian and sprawled out across him.

"Mine~" You softly hissed.

"What's that Mi Lady? A prang of Jealousy perhaps?"

"Wha?-nah-pfff- wha? -not even"

"Are you two okay?"

"Woof"   ("I'm fine")
"Mew"    ("burn in hell")

"Nah I'm jokin-"
'No one touches Senpai!'

"Okay, well you two go to sleep. I'll tell father more about you two. Sweet wings. I'll take these collars and get names engraved. And that's all. Night Charming~ Night Lady~"

And with that Karai unclasped your neck jewelry and walked off. You and Charming curled up together on your shared bed.

"So I'm guessing we're calling each other by our new names?"

"Once again, Mi Lady, your beautiful mind has come to yet another glorious conclusion"

"Hmm" yawn "Good night Charming~"

"I'll miss calling you Princess"

"You still can if you want"

"But your other name is so good aswell~" wined Charming.

"Oh well, are we sleeping now?"

"I guess we are Mi Lady~"

"ML is it?"

"Anything you want Princess~"

"Your confusing"

"And your beautiful~"


"Sigh, till dusk meets dawn, I'll see you in another light~"



I love the Princess name and the Lady name. Miraculous fans out there, yes, I wasn't inspired by that show. I guess that Mi Lady is every day speech and Princess is in like danger positions or something. Being saved and such. Oh well.

Holly out ♡

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