Chapter 15: Part One

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Another two parter! I wanted to make this a little more dramatic :) It might turn into a three parter yet, not sure.

Enjoy! :)

Cenred's POV

"It is done?" I asked. Morgause nodded from her place beside my throne.

"Morgana assured me that she had performed the spell as you ordered... My lord." The witch replied. She was growing complacent, I could feel it. I raised an eyebrow at her words, but smiled still.

"Finally." I breathed. "That woman is out of my life." Morgause returned my smile.

"Indeed, though if I am honest my lord, she was merely a girl. Next time choose your women with more caution." She stalked from the room without a backwards glance and I grinned as the door closed behind her.

"Jealous my lady?" I questioned thin air, chuckling. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry... I motioned to the nearest guard, watching as he came towards my throne and knelt, head bowed.

"My lord?" His voice was low.

"Have my spies in Camelot check in on my... Wife." The word was difficult to say. "I want a simple answer, is she alive, or dead?"

Cora's POV

Merlin looked even worse than before. His lips were tinted purple, and the colour had drained completely from his face. It was as though a skeleton lay in the bed before me, a corpse with the face of my friend.

Gwaine stood beside me, the warmth of his body radiating like a flame. He still hadn't bothered to find a shirt, though the walk to Gaius' chambers had caused him to dry out. His hair still hung limply over his shadowed eyes, dripping occasionally.

"What happened to him?" His voice was hoarse as the knight croaked out a question. Gaius shook his head from his place by the servant's bed.

"I do not know. I have searched every book I own, but I simply do not have any idea to what ailment has caused this;" The physician gestured to Merlin's lifeless body. "At first I thought

it was poison, but there is no evidence of Merlin consuming anything before he..." He couldn't finish the sentence. "So then I thought it might be something less murderous, perhaps a health problem; But Merlin has never been ill in his life, he's never had any health problems, and he is... was in a fine condition. Therefore I deduced that it must be sorcery." My heart stopped, and I felt my whole body stiffen. Gwaine noticed.

"Cora, are you alright?" I nodded minutely.

"Do you mean to say that someone, some... sorcerer." I spat out the word like it was poison. "Did this to him? Why?" Gaius shook his head again.

"I do not know." His eyes were cast down to the floor. He was lying. I frowned slightly, barely aware that Gwaine was still by my side. The Irishman took my expression to be that of heartbreak or sorrow, gently interlocking his fingers with mine in a gesture of affection, but he misunderstood. That frown was confusion, anger. How could a sorcerer come into Camelot, let alone curse Merlin in such a terrible way? How could I not feel a presence so powerful?

And then it dawned on me.

The whole world seemed to melt away for a moment, just a moment, but it lasted forever. It was as though I was standing, floating in my own imagination, but I could still feel. Every sense was heightened; The soft pressure of Gwaine's fingers entwined with my own, the touch of the creaky wooden floor beneath my feet, my own breath, quick and laboured. My mind ran wild, thoughts racing, making connections that it never normally would. Silver lines, like ribbon or string, ran from images and pictures in my head, to sounds and memories that, at first glance, were nothing alike. They all began to slot together, and I gasped in realisation, coming back to earth with a jolt.

"Cora? Cora, are you alright?" Gwaine had released my hand now and was gently shaking my shoulders. I blinked several times, watching his chiselled face swim into focus, the concerned tilt of his head and the slight furrow of his brow. After a long moment, I nodded.

"Yes...Yes, I'm fine." I answered. "Just concerned is all." I turned my gaze to Merlin, hoping that the look upon my face was one of love and worry. From the corner if my eye I could see Sir Gwaine frown, but he nodded nonetheless, taking his hands from my shoulders and patting my arm gently.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want to stay here for a while?" He had only eaten half an hour ago; He knew I knew. I had to say, the knight was sensitive when the occasion called for it. I nodded silently, unable to meet his gaze. A wry smile upon his lips, Gwaine squeezed my hand gently, before departing the room in silence. Gaius decided to follow him, patting me on the shoulder affectionately. Now I was alone, with only my thoughts.

I took a tentative step towards the bed where Merlin lay, and then just broke down. A flood of tears rolled down my cheeks, and I stifled a sob, praying that Gwiane wouldn't hear.

"I'm sorry Merlin. I'm so sorry." I mumbled, slowly making my way to the chair beside the bed. I grasped at the servant's cold hand with trembling hands, hoping beyond hope that I would feel some fluttering of a pulse there. There was nothing.

I couldn't believe I had been so naive to forget about Cenred. How could I have thought he would not hunt me? He would not give up until I was dead. I had made Camelot my home, and as a result, I had lulled myself into a sense of false security. I thought that Cenred would not be able to touch me. I was wrong.

And then there was the sorcery. The king of Ascetir did not know of my magic, but he still had Morgause, the witch. No doubt this was her doing. It was my fault that Merlin would die. Unless I could find a cure. But what could cure something as ruthless as magic? Not more magic, certainly. If only Merlin could hear me. If only I could speak to him, he would know what to do.

"Merlin?" I spoke aloud gently, wishing that he would hear me. Merlin? My mind reached out now, grasping desperately for any sign of life. I'd never heard anything in my mind before from Merlin, he couldn't do magic, so why would it work now?



So there's part one! I know it was a little short, the next one will be longer :) Please vote, comment and follow, you know the drill.

OwlMagic153 xx

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