Chapter 1

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"Get away from me!" I yelled. When I woke up, I was blinded by lights, and found a short knife in my pocket, and once my eyes adjusted, I saw three or four boys in the room. "Where am I!?" I was pointing the knife, standing in a corner, towards any boy who would try and talk or get near me.
"Hey, Hey. Calm down, ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." This kid had messy blond hair, brown eyes, and a british accent when he talked. "My name is Newt, can you remember yours?" He was tall, skinny, and in shape, with strong looking arms.
   he wore a orangish red tank-top, and a white sweater around his waist. He was high-watering in his jeans, probably since he was so tall.
"Uh... I don't know. I-I think it's Cambry."
"Ok, Cambry, anything else."
"No I ca-cant remember anything. Why can't i remember anything." I said nervously. I was trying to act strong, and cringed at how shaky my voice was.
"Relax it's perfectly normal." This boy was African-American and had brown eyes, his voice was deep, and raspy.
"I'm Alby, this is Clint, and that's Jeff, and you already know Newt." He told me
   Newt stepped closer, trying to calm me down. "I said stay away." I snapped at him, pointing the knife directly between his eyes, which he looked at, cross-eyed, and nervous.
   "Cam, it's ok, put the knife down." Newt walked towards me slowly, holding his hands out in front of him.
   "No! Don't move! Where am i!" I yelled. "And don't try and give me a nick-name! I don't even know you!" I tightened the grip in the only thing protecting me, and stiffened my arm. The boy was so close, that if I wanted to, I could've killed him.
   "We call this place the glade, put the knife down." He got close enough to push my hand holding the knife down, and lead me to a chair, close to the door.
   "So usually people wake up in the box and..." I stoped listening to Clint, to think about my escape plan. None of the boys noticed me slip the knife back into my combat boots, and I slowly scooted up in the chair.
   "So basically after you were unconscious in the box we brought you here and waited till you woke up and..." I took my chance, and ran. The door was open, so my escape was easy.
   "Shucking clunk!" I heard Alby yell.
   I ran down the stairs, and out onto a field. I slowed to a jog for a moment, and addressed my current scenario. Surrounding me, there were large towering concrete walls, forming a box around me. I was trapped in here. I almost gave up, until an opening in the walls caught my eye.
   Once again I was running. I pushed my legs to go faster, and faster. My heart was pumping, and I was taking deep, even breaths in a pattern according to my steps.
  In, in, out, out. In, in, out, out.
   I don't know where I learned how to run so good, but i did, and i took advantage of it.
   Screams and shouts of the boys, and pounding footsteps running after me were drowned out by my heavy breathing, and only drove me to run faster and faster, I felt adrenalin kicking in, and I smiled, knowing my escape would be fun, and easy.
Way to go Cambry, your outrunning a bunch of guys!
   I said to myself
   Finaly I made it off of the soft, squishy grass of the meadow that was slowing me down, onto the rock hard ground of the opening. I pushed my feet against  the firm rock, and took longer, more powerful strides, with more confidence.
   As I ran, I looked at my surroundings. It looked as if I was in a maze. Large towering walls that seemed to get higher each time I looked, that were cracked, and ivy and vines covered them.
   Left, left, right, left, right, right, right, left. Dead end. I had to take a minute to breath, and listen. I heard footsteps in the distance telling me it was time to go, and took off. The dead end would just get me caught, and I didn't want that.
   After a few more left and rights, I came to another dead end.
   The world was silent. I lost them. I tried to think of anything I might be able to remember. And that's when I realized, I don't remember how I look.
   I pulled out the knife from my brown combat boots, and examined myself.
   My silky, straight, almost gold looking blond hair danced with the breeze, and shined in the mid-day sun. It fell just below my shoulders. And I pulled it into a ponytail, it was, after all, getting in my face when I was running.
   My eyes were a dark, but vibrant green, almost mesmerizing. The rest of my face was pretty, and simple. Freckles were sprinkled on my nose, which was cute, like a button.
   I had a blue tank top on, and an coral sweatshirt over it. It was rather thick, so I tied it around my waist. I had gray leggings on, but they were more like jeans. And off of corse, brown combat boots on. I had long legs, but a very short torso.
Good for running, clearly. I thought.
   I didn't get to evaluate my size, however, mostly because I didn't have anyone to compare to, and also because I heard footsteps coming closer once again, and my name being called.
   "Cambry!" People, including Newt, and Alby called.
   "Ben go straight, Newt go left, Minho go right. i got this corridor covered."
   "Shoot! I'm left!" I whispered to myself. I stood as far into the corner as i could, after grabbing my knife out of my boot again. I buried myself as far as i could in the ivy, and hoped I wouldn't get caught, closing my eyes.
Unfortunate for me, these stupid vines don't give much coverage. I said to my self.
   When I opened my eyes. The Brit stood there.
   "Sh*t!" I swore to myself. "Crap! Sorry, I usually don't cuss, you scared me!" I gasped covering my mouth. And cringed, once again, at how idiotic I sounded. Then held out my knife, once he started casually walking to me.
   "It's ok, come on, we gotta get outa here, cuz' after sunset, it's a bloody nightmare." His accent was strong, yet also adorable, it matched his personality, and looks.
What's that supposed to flippin mean! I said to my self.
  I guess it matched his face, he was obviously 15 or 16, because everyone i saw so far looked like it, but his face was a lot more childish.
   I guess it's not a bad thing.
   "What do you mean nightmare?" I asked, surprised at how casual, and non scared I sounded for once, and put a hand in my hip, the other sticking out, knife facing parallel to the sky.
   "Believe me, now is not the time to know."
   "Tell me. I'm not moving either way."
   "Greenie, it doesn't work like that." He laughed, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
   "Maybe i will." I paused, and just as he was about to say something, I cut him off, and started again. "If i have answers." I couldn't believe I sounded so unruffled.
   "Green bean. I don't have time to play. When the doors close, if your in here. Your already dead."
   "Then you better get on your way." I said scooching   him away with my hands. Then i returned to my sassy position.
   My arms were crossed over my chest, and I crossed my left ankle over my right, while leaning against the soft ivy.
   "Oh my goodness!" He sighed, throwing his arms in the air, and turning around. "This is a load a shucking clunk!"
   After a few minutes of pacing, Newt stoped, faced me, crossed his arms, and looked extremely annoyed.
   "Come on greenie we nee-"
   "Don't call me that." I stoped him for the fifteenth time.
   "Greenie, or green bean, or any other stupid 'glade' name!"
   "Fine, Cam, if I stop calling you that, will you come back?"
   "Why!" He complained. He glanced around nervously, and i realized the sun wasn't in the middle of the sky anymore.
   "I heard y'all talking about the 'slammer' and I don't like the sounds of that thing."
   "Ok. No slammer, no greenie, or anything if you come back. Promise." He reached out a hand to shake, and I took it.
   "Deal." I smirked.
   "Let's go." He finished, Then turned to run off.
   I slid the knife back into my boot, and ran after him.

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