Chapter 3

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Just so y'all know, this different POV thing won't happen that often, so sorry it you like it:(

   "Seriously Alby! That's my sister." Noah screamed at Alby, who was standing, keys dangling in his hand, next to the slammer that held his twin sister, who was younger than him, in it.
   Inside, Cambry was laying, on her side, curled up in a ball, unconscious, just like how they found her when she came up in the box.
   "I don't care! if we treated everyone like your sister, much less a girl, this whole place would go to clunk!" He crossed his arms, and leaned up against the only solid structure, besides the map room, in the glade.
   "Look at her! She could be dead!" Obviously, Noah was over-exaggerating at her current condition.
   "No she's not, you can see her breathing." Gally interrupted.
   "Slim it, eyebrows!" He insulted, and Gally, who was noticeably hurt by the comment, punched him in the upper arm, and slightly threw his hands in the air, as if to say, hey! What was that for!
   "Please Alby. At least let me check on her." He begged, looking, and sounding defeated.
   "Fine. But you have to come to the gathering tomorrow! I mean it."
   "Ugh, Fine ok, just let me in, mate." Noah finished, and with that, Alby tossed him the keys, and walked to a small window, where he could see inside the stone cell.

   Noah moved his sister to where she was laying on her back, still unconscious.
   He tried calling her name, and telling her to wake up, but she didn't respond, and he would've cried if Alby wasn't watching him.
Noah couldn't remember her, but he knew she was his sister, he knew he loved her, and that was enough to try everything he could to help her. He knew he would protect her, at that was final, even Alby couldn't get in the way.
   Although Noah never actually saw Alby, he could feel him watching, his eyes burning into the back of his neck. He loved his sister, even though he couldn't remember her, and barely even knew her, he felt it.
   Noah new better than to try anything, so he just checked her to make sure she didn't have any bruises in her exposed skin. (Aka where she didn't have clothing covering her) then got up, and nodded to Alby, so he could let him out.

   Goodness! Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted y'all to know what happened while she was out.

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