Nightmares Never Felt So Real

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Chapter 10

Nightmares Never Felt So Real

*Amelia's POV*

I was walking around outside in the forest. I had this feeling that something was going to get me. I don't know what though. I turned around to see if anything was following me; big mistake. I tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground. My hands and knees are stinging.

Groaning, I pushed myself of the ground only to have the feeling that something dangerous was behind me. So me being me, ignored the feeling and turned around. I was frozen in fear because in front of me was the killer. He was holding the knife up and smiling sadiscally at me. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I couldn't move, it was like my feet were glued to the ground. I looked at me feet and I still couldn't get them to move. When I looked up, I was shocked. The killer wasn't in front of me, no; Blake was. And he was smirking at me looking like he was enjoying this. He took a step foward and whispered, "You shouldn't have let your gaurds down. Not everybody are who they seem."

His hot breath was fanning my ear and just when I was about to ask why, I felt pain in my stomach. I looked down to see a knife, with Blake's hand around it, in my torso. I looked up and he was smiling evilly at me. He pulled out the knife and I fell on the ground. How could he do that?

I began panicking. He just stabbed me! I looked up and I felt a rain drop on my face. I looked at the sky and noticed that it was dark with rain falling out of the sky. Soon it was pouring and we were soaked.

"Why?" I managed to croak out. My voice was strained and broken.

"Because my dear Amelia, you shouldn't have been so careless." Blake tsked.

Careless? How?

I was about to ask how but I felt pressure on my stab wound. I cried out in pain. He started putting more pressure on it but I bit my tounge to keep from crying out. I hate showing emotion - weakness. My cheek suddenly stung. I raised my hand, and felt my cheek. It took a second to realize what had happened but before I could scream out of frustration and hurt, I snapped my eyes open and looked around.

Once I took in my surroundings, I nearly screamed when I felt something on my back. I looked up cautiously and sighed out in relief once I realized it was only Drake's arm.

I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing.

"Are you okay, amore?" Drake asked startling me.

"Yeah. I just had a nightmare." I replied lamely.

"Do you want to talked about it? Drake asked while one hand was rubbing circles in my back, the other one was stroking my hair.

I took a deep breath and replied, "No."

He just nodded his head and started mumbling "shh everything's going to be okay" and "You're safe. Calm down."

Eventually I fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying.

What did you think? Comment to let me know! Thanks!


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