First Argument

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So turns out I passed the retake which meant I was doing a lot more better. Summer was really close and school was almost to an end.

Madison-Hey John

John-How was the test?

Madison-I passed it!!!


Madison-Whats wrong

John-So you're saying you broke up with me for  nothing

Madison-I mean I did have test

John-But you FAILED it anyways

Madison-Um excuse me!!!!

John-You left me to pass a test you ended up failing

Madison-Well that was because you were on my mind the whole time!!!!

John-Was I???!!!!

I put my phone down and wanted to cry. What does he have on his head rn??What is he trying to say??

Madison-What are you trying to say?


Madison-I didn't!!!!

Tears rolled down my cheek because all that tan through my head was he's gonna leave again. I ignored him for the rest of the night. Was this another break up or just a fight?

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