Reys Decision

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The wind was howling around me. I could see him but only his back, the man was in all black and was resting on his bed asleep... that you..? No Response. Suddenly, I see the figure turn...and I'm facing a shocked Kylo...he reaches out and screams my name. "Rey!"

I sit up almost too fast...darkness surrounding me in my room...and my head hurts so's been two months since I've seen him. We fought next to each other against Snoke and when I refused to accept his request to rule the galaxy we almost killed each other. But I ran and returned to my friends.
I nearly trip running to the door and when the door opens I see the beautiful Princess Leia.
Her expression is worried and fearful and I quickly grasp the metal doorframe trying to take in all the light from the hallway surrounding her. She quickly exclaims "Rey! Please hurry and get ready! We need you in the bridge!".  I nod and she calmly yet hastily walks away. I trail my fingers across the wall and turn on all forms of light in the way. The darkness in his surroundings were nearly frightening...that's not surprising...and I swear there was no sign of happiness in his expression...when he was asleep I felt like I saw someone else...almost like it wasn't even it was Ben..?
I take a quick shower and prepare myself. When I exit my room I see Rose. She's woken up from being unconscious and walks straight up to me. Her expression is filled with worry "where's Finn? I have to find him!" I take her hand and begin to lead her to the bridge. "If he's anywhere he's in the bridge to check for distress calls we've sent out". Her expressions softens and she nods.
Within 5 minutes the doors to the bridge open and Finn runs and hugs Rose as tears stream down her face with glee. I can't help it...what if that could've been Kylo and I...No. He made his decision and I made mine. Leaving the two at the doorway I calmly walk to Leia and Chewbacca. Chewy still has a Porg on his shoulder. "Rey! It's my son...Be-Kylo...he has a message for you..." I roll my eyes "When was it sent? And what about?" She looks me up and down and pulls me to another room with less people. "Rey, did he visit you again..?" I shrug "I don't know. He was asleep but woke up and screamed something in pain". "What'd he say" I want to tell her the truth...but I...I can't. "I'm not sure. It ended before he could finish". She looks down for a moment. "His request Rey...he wants you...God knows what for but he wants you and...the crew and I were thinking that if you go you'll be able to find a new place...somewhere we can rebuild ourselves. Rey, he trust you. He'll tell you anything. Can you do this...for us..?"
It takes me a moment. Why would he want me?? I made my decision and he made his. I look back at Leia and she's waiting for my answer. "Yes, Anything for the people I care about ". She smiles. "Then it's decided. You'll travel to Kylos ship and find a safe armed planet for the resistance to rebuild itself". I half-smile. "Rey, get some rest. You'll need it. Tomorrow you'll begin your journey". "I'm honored Leia". She smiles and we both walk back to the bridge in silence. I made my new decision. I'll return to Kylo. And I'll try to bring him back...I'll bring Ben back to his mother...I promise...

Hey! Sorry for the short paragraph! But I hope you enjoy this! I'm currently working on my Chapter 2...also! If you'd like for me to include a character that you can create send me a msg including the name, appearance, and what kind of character they'll be.

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