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Kylo releases his grasp on me that felt like he was longing, the absence of his arms makes me feel unsafe and confused, then it hits me, he moved  to give the stormtroopers enough room to take me into custody. The cuffs are metal and sting my wrist with the cold immediate touch to my skin. I turn and see Kylos expression is full of sorrow and determination. He suddenly turns to the stormtroopers and blankly states " Take her to my chamber, I'll take care of her from there". I look at him in confusion. What exactly are his intentions here?
Before I can ask him myself I'm shoved by the stormtroopers clutching both my arms and pushing me through the huge hallways in many directions that it's almost difficult to take in all the surroundings. We stop at a door that looks nothing like the others, and before I can protest I'm pushed into the room one of them whispering "Scavenger Scum". At that moment I see a dark figure charge forwards the soldier and I see the soldier struggle to breath. The dark figure was Kylo...and he's choking the soldier! I stand up and give Kylo a reassuring smile and somehow it's enough for him to release his grasp on the man. He glances at me and Kylo grabs my arm pushing me into my room. When the door slides shut my first question is " Where the hell are my friends?" He smiles "they returned home no worries. We sent them off back to the Resistance".
I nod. "Why am I in here?" I say this as I look around his neatly built apartme...erm...condo?
He smiles and stares " you're my guest".
Did he just?! Oml like the first time I was in this hellhole...
"Your room is next to mine. Trust me it's nice. Go and take a look". Oh what the hell. I take a few steps for the door he points too and press the button to open it. When the doors slide open a beautiful almost...warm bedroom is revealed...everything is so full of life and there's a bouquet of red roses on my nightstand. "Kylo why do I have roses on m~" before I can finish I see the main doors shut. Of course he got nervous. I walk into my room and pull out my new Odidx (new invention I made that's basically a phone)
I send a quick message to Rose
Rey: are y'all safe?
Rose: Yes, Kylo sent us off.
Rey: ok. Is Finn and everyone safe?
Rose: Yes Rey XD no worries. Although, I do believe a Porg hopped into your bag
I glance through my bag and I notice 2 Porgs. Well great...
Porg:grrrzzzzrg (I tried lol) I roll my eyes "hush please..." they both stare blankly at me and run around my room.
So, Kylo is keeping me here until he gets back but left me sweet treats and gifts..does that make me his equal...or a prisoner?

Rey Don't Leave...(a Reylo story)Where stories live. Discover now