Chapter Two

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~Severus Snape~
I had just fixed my glamors into place when a knock, a loud, hurried knock, sounded on my door and Minerva McGonagall said, "Severus!? Severus I need to speak with you!"
I opened the door, my usual disdainful sneer absent due to the worry and genuine fear in her voice.
I motioned her inside, "What is it, Minerva?"
She shoved a letter at me, and I took it, nearly sneering at the familiar handwriting.
Professor McGonagall,
Its Harry Potter, ma'am. I think I need your help. No one has been speaking to me all summer. Yesterday was my birthday, but this morning when I woke up, something had changed. I woke up with claws, scales, and a pair of scaly wings. I dont know whats going on, Professor, but when my Aunt and uncle, both hate magic, you see, when they saw the changes in me, they freaked out. Uncle Vernon kicked me, ma'am, in one of my wings. I heard a snap, but I dont know what to do. I can't perform any magic outside of Hogwarts, and I was supposed to be taken from here over two weeks ago. Professor Dumbledore hasn't been answering my letters. I didn't know anyone else to contact. Please help me, Professor. I don't know what's going on. Do you know what happened to me?
Hoping for your reply,
Harry Potter
I felt my hand clench tighter around the letter, "Albus has been ignoring the boy? He just lost his godfather! The boy looks up to him!"
Minerva shook her head, "Not just that, Severus. He has been setting up his friendships. I overheard Ronald Weasley and his sister discussing it after the Order meeting. They are using Grimmauld place, but they haven't even told Harry that they've been there all summer." She looked at me, her eyes watery, "Severus you of all people know how wizards treat magical beings, which sounds exactly like what Harry has become. I showed the letter to Albus first, and he just shrugged it off. He was angry the boy had transformed, Severus. We must contact Aloysius Deveraux, perhaps he can help us."
I nodded, "Write him a letter, Minerva. I'm going to go get Potter. If his wing is truly broken, it needs to be set and healed immediately, or it could become malformed and never hold him in flight. I will bring him to my home, Minerva. When you can get away without suspicion, please join me."
Minerva took my free hand, squeezing it gratefully, "Winona is going to be good to him, Severus. I know you hate any students knowing about your status, but Winona has heard your rants about Potter as much as I have. She will adore the chance to meet him, even under the circumstances."
I smiled slightly, "Of course she will. She knew Lily and James, was even friends with James before her own transformation."
I pulled my hand away and added, "May I keep the letter or at least copy it?"
With a swish of her wand, Minerva copied the letter, catching the second letter as it floated in the air. She nodded to me before turning and making her way out of my living area within Hogwarts.
I, myself, made my way into my personal floo, and called out, "Snape Residence!"
The green flames quickly spit me out in my tea room, and I was greeted by an enthusiastic hug from my youngest child, Augustus Devlin Snape.
A second and soon after third set of arms joined the hug, and I pressed a kiss to Augustus's head before lifting it higher and kissing my daughter's cheek, and finally my wife and bonded's lips before pulling away. Winona, my bonded, went to get rid of my glamor as she usually does, but I shook my head, "I have something more to do."
Winona looked confused so I handed her the letter, watching carefully as she got angrier and angrier. As soon as I noticed she was about to set the letter on fire, I took it back, "I'm going to get him. Albus is being his usual useless self when it comes to anyone not a wizard or witch, and I refuse to break my promise to Lily simply because of an old man's prejudices. I was planning on bringing him back here, if that is quite alright with you."
A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, and Winona pressed her face to my throat as she murmured, "I finally get to meet him? You're going to tell him the truth? Everything?"
I sighed, "Of course my love. It is time. Mr. Potter has many choices to make. Minerva is contacting Deveraux. I very much doubt that he will be going back to Hogwarts."
Augustus piped in, "I get to meet Harry Potter??"
My daughter, Eiris, snorted, "That took long enough for you to get."
I sent them both a look, "He is wounded, I need to go."
Eiris straightened, an angry look settling on her face, "What happened? Do you need help, Dad?"
I shook my head, "You may not come, Eiris. You can't hold your glamor in place under duress."
Eiris scowled but nodded, and I disentangled myself from Winona, spinning on my heel and apparating to a hidden nook near the Dursley house, making my way to the front door. I opened the door, not bothering to knock, and came face to face with the walrus of a man I knew to be Vernon Dursley. He sputtered angrily but I pushed him aside, making my way up the stairs to the bedroom I knew Potter would be in. My finer hearing picked up the sounds of sobs, so quiet a human ear wouldn't be able to pick them up, and quickly unlocked the locks, all twelve of them, with a flick of my wand.
The sobbing slowed, and Potter's voice sounded, "I'm sorry uncle Vernon, I didn't mean to be loud, please, please don't!"
I felt my heart constrict at the honest terror and pain in the teens voice. I pushed the door open, "Your uncle will not be touching you ever again, Mr. Potter, of that you can be sure."
I stepped in the room, nausea roiling through me at the sight of the bone poking through his arm, blood covering his chest and stomach and one of his scaled wings pressed tight to his body.
I scourgified the blood off him, casting a diagnostic spell before casting a spell to put the bone in his wing back in the right place before healing it with another spell. I braced his wrist before casting a spell to pack his things-all of them, even the ones deemed dangerous by his family and locked in the cupboard downstairs. I smirked as the door downstairs blasted open and a thud sounded-then a groan.
Potter stared at me, shocked, the entire time I was doing this until finally he asked, "Professor, why are you here?"
I pulled the letter out of my pocket and showed it to him, "Despite our houses being enemies, Minerva and I are quite good friends. She came to me and asked me to come help you and explain things."
Potter nodded solemnly, "Thank you very much, sir. I know we set aside out differences when you began teaching me remedial potions on your free period, but I'm truly grateful that you came. I-I didn't know that anyone would."
I sighed, watching as his things finished packing themselves. "You have become a magical Being, Mr. Potter. You are no longer simply a wizard. In fact, most won't even consider you a wizard any longer. Albus Dumbledore included. Dumbledore is as prejudiced against magical beings as purebloods are against muggleborns. There is a school that will hopefully be contacting you. It is called Deveraux's School For Magical Beings. It will teach you about what you are and what your life will be like. With any luck you will find your mate or mates at this school. If not, I would suggest that you travel the world, trying to find them. I very much doubt that you would be willing to end the war with Voldemort when you would be charged with murder should you try. Magical Beings have little to no rights."
Potter looked worried as he said, "How do you know all this, sir?"
I smirked slightly, "Because I am a Magical Being. You will be coming with me, Mr. Potter. I will be able to heal you more thoroughly at my own home with the potions I need within reach."
Harry nodded, "You can help me figure out what I am?" At my nod, he sighed and began to try his best to stand up. I walked over, taking hold of his uninjured arm and gently helping him to his feet. Once I got a hold of his trunk, I grasped his uninjured arm and apparated home.

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