Chapter Thirteen

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~Harry Potter~

Severus knelt next to me, making Elliot begin shaking once again, but I shook my head, "This is Severus, Elliot. He's a potions master, and a very good friend. He saved me when my relatives hurt me-broke my wing and beat me badly. He'll never hurt you, I promise."

Severus smiled gently at Elliot and asked quietly, "Who is your grandfather, Elliot? Whom do I need to watch out for?"

Elliot shook more, shaking his head back and forth for a few moments before he drew in a deep breath, burrowing into my side, and whispered, "Corban Yaxley, sir. He-he's awful. Are you sure you can-are you sure you can keep me safe from him?"

A grim smile tilted Severus' lips as he stated, "I know I can, Elliot. I have a protected home that no one, not a single soul in Britain, knows about. Yaxley will never find you, and he will never hurt you again. If I can, I'll make sure he never hurts anyone again, Elliot."

Elliot nodded, his arms creeping around my torso. After a moment, I gently disentangled myself from him, taking his hand firmly in mine, and stated, "We'll be going now. We're taking the Knight's bus to the nearest wizarding shop area. Anyone who is steady on their feet should take a younger child if they're able. Anyone holding anyone under the age of two gets a chair-Severus, myself, and the other adults will put sticking charms on the chairs for those carrying babies. If we apparated, we'd have to do it separately, and I'd rather not do that, so we're taking the bus. It's crazy, and may make you nauseous but it'll keep everyone together."

Older children all around me nodded, gripping the hands of younger children firmly before they followed me out the door, where I stuck out my wand. A few moments later, the crazy purple bus slammed to a stop in front of us, and Stan Shunpike stepped out, "'Ello Harry, who is this, your class?"

Smiling a polite smile in Stan's direction, I handed him five galleons and stated, "There are infants, Stan, you'll be needing to hold the bus still while we use a sticking charm on the chairs where the people with babies will sit. I'm sure you can understand why I'll be upset if the bus moves before we're done." Dropping my glamour I waggled my claws in his face and stated, "I'm sure you don't want to have a blood feud with me, do you Stan? I'm sure you're smart enough to predict how I would react to one of my family members being hurt."

Stan had paled at the sight of me, understandable with my wings, claws, and scales, and stammered an affirmative answer before ushering everyone onto the bus, and ensuring Ernie didn't move it until we had used sticking charms on most of the furniture, allowing most everyone to sit without fearing for their well-being.

After everyone was safely seated, I made my way to Stan and asked politely, "Are there any wizarding shops other than the ones in Diagon Alley?"

Stan nodded, "There are some in every major area of Britain, Mr. Potter. Is there a reason you ask?"

I nodded, "Yes, my family requires new clothing, and I don't want to take them to Diagon Alley just yet. Do you know of any with tailor shops?" At Stan's nod, I confirmed, "You can take us there then, thank you."

Stan nodded, shouting out the address for Ernie, and I quickly made my want to a bed, sitting down and quickly pulling Elliot onto it with me as the bus shot off like a rocket.
The next half an hour was spent on the bus, before we stopped finally, and Stan said, "Welcome to Birmingham, everyone. To your right is a magical shop, and while they have muggle repelling wards, they are in fact side by side with muggle stores. It's newer than Diagon Alley, and the people in Birmingham decided to integrate their shops into the already available shopping district."
Standing after Elliot got off my lap, I helped everyone off the bus, bringing up my glamors at the same time, and once everyone was off the bus, I waved Stan on and watched as he spoke to Ernie before the bus shot off again.
Smiling down at an obviously nervous Elliot, I also took the hand of Fynn, a adorable five year old with a Veela inheritance.
Severus entered the store first, and I ushered everyone else through first before I led Fynn and Elliot through.
Inside, I noticed it was much larger than outside-obvious expansion charms at work-and that we were being stared at in mostly disgust.
An older man approached and stated, "All wizards are allowed to stay, but the creatures must go. We don't cater to those in my shop."
Pushing my way to the front, I smiled coldly and asked, "And you are?"
The man straightened his shoulders and said tightly, "My name is Oliver Ackley, and this is my shop. Who are you?"
Keeping the smile on my face, I stated, "Lord Harry James Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World, Boy-Who-Lived, of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. These wonderful people behind me have been adopted into my family...Tell me, Mr. Ackley, how much business would you get if I went to the Daily Prophet and told them that you refused to work with me simply because I had a few people with me?"
Mr. Ackley obviously caught onto what I was saying, as his face blanched, but I pushed on, "However, should you be willing to take our measurements, I assure you the fee you get would be more like a small fortune. Now, are you going to drop your nasty bigoted attitude and gain a small fortune for your work, or are you going to force me to go to the Prophet and tell them how bigoted you are, and admit that I will never shop here again...?"
The man frowned angrily before he muttered, "Very well, Potter, but if you or any of yours step foot back in my shop after this, I'll call the Aurors for harrassment. Girls, come begin taking measurements of the girls present. Men, come with me." Two female shop assistants hurried over and as we separated began measuring the girls, while Severus ushered the rest of us after Mr. Ackley who had strode off to the other side of the room, not even bothering to wait for us.
I insisted we go from youngest to oldest, and so began the longest shopping experience of my life-it took over an hour for Mr. Ackley to get measurements for everyone-including Blaise, as he hadn't been able to pack any clothes before he'd run from his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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