Chapter Five

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~Harry Potter~
I shook my head, "We should have our own government, then."
Aloysius tilted his head, seeming to think about it, before replying, "Well, I think if anyone can make it happen, its you. However, I think if we could form a council, like the W.I.C., then we could form a treaty with the wizarding world and get to make our own decisions and protect ourselves." He smiled at me, shaking his head, "You don't have to worry about that, though, Mr. Potter. We'll get by."
I shook my head, "Call me Harry please. I'm not used to being called Mr. Potter all the time."
Iris cleared her throat and said, "Harry, you haven't alerted anyone to your inheritance other than Minerva or Severus have you?" At the shake of my head she smirked, "Good, then they can't stop you." Most of us shot her questioning looks, except Severus who began to chuckle darkly.
Winona looks between her cackling husband and the smirking Mrs. Harrison, "Sev, what is it you get but the rest of us don't?"
Iris smirked wider, "If the Wizengamot has no idea that he has become an Inherited, they will not be able to contest his Lordship, which he rightfully should have had at eleven. Why he doesn't already have it, I'm not sure. He is the last Potter."
"Albus Dumbledore. If Harry had become a Lord, he would be emancipated by thirteen. Dumbledore couldn't have that. He needed an excuse, a right, to send him back to those terrible muggles." Winona's face had darkened with anger by the time Severus finished speaking.

"How dare that awful, conniving old bastard keep Harry's rightful inheritance from him!? Harry is the last Potter, he deserves his family ring, and he deserves his family vaults!" Severus laid a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed before speaking softly, "Yes, we know, my love. Calm down. You and our children might be fire resistant but the rest of us are not, and Harry needs to eat."

Winona took a deep, calming breath and nodded, reaching out and beginning to pile food on her plate, with the rest of us following suit. We ate breakfast with some conversations, mostly Eiris, Aloysius and the others explaining and detailing their experiences at the school. I had almost immediately decided to go, especially once Severus warned me about people like Dumbledore being highly prejudiced against me now, but it was good to hear stories about the place I would be spending several months out of the year.

Once we finished breakfast we headed to the parlor room where the floo was located. We flooed directly to Diagon Alley, bypassing the several stops that Severus and his family usually took to go anywhere. Once there, I couldn't help but chuckle at the awed looks on Eiris and Augustus's face-they didn't go out much, and when they did, it was almost never to a wizarding alley. Mainly, Eiris had told me, because she still couldn't hold her glamors under pressure, and because Augustus couldn't glamor himself at all, he was too young, and so one of his parents had to glamor him and keep the glamor up. Once we made it to Gringotts, Severus went up to a teller, speaking in low, hushed tones, before we were all ushered into a private office.

"Am I to assume that one of you is a Mr. Harry James Potter?" A goblin, sitting at a large desk, spoke first.

I stepped forward, "Yes, I'm Harry Potter. Are you the Account Manager for the Potter accounts, Master Goblin?"

The goblin leaned back in his chair, a look of surprise on his face, "It rarely happens that a wizard of your standing speaks to one of my kind in such a respectful way. Why is it you do?"

I shrugged, "Well, sir, I was raised by muggles, and even if they did little else for me, they taught me that above all, you need to treat everyone with respect, until it's proven that they no longer deserve your respect. I think it's stupid, the way most wizards treat goblins, centaurs, even other magical creatures or beings. It's not fair, or right."
The goblin nodded slowly, "I agree with you. That is why we goblins no longer respect wizards and witches as a whole-they have become undeserving of our respect. Perhaps, if you continue to treat us the way you do, then you will become one of the few wizards we respect and as such, will be classified as a goblin friend. Time will tell. Why are you here, Mr. Potter?"
I smiled slightly, "Several things, Master Goblin. First of all, I would like to take an inheritance test. Severus tells me this will tell me what I have become, as well as any other things hidden from me since my childhood. The second thing I wish to do, sir, is to see about gaining my lordship."

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