Chapter One

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I was sat in my room, desperately trying to cram as much of this math bullshit into my brain as I could; hoping it would work.

It didn't.

My phone beeped and I gratefully snatched it - my head was hurting from looking at all those stupid numbers. Why the hell do I even need to learn math and how is it going to help me become an artist or a journalist or even a stripper?

'Other than helping you count your income and do your taxes and other adult-y stuff ya dumbass.' My snarky subconscious reminded me.

Wait, do strippers even pay taxes???? I gotta research that.

My dance class group chat had began getting active again, asking when I would next be in. I was a main dancer for my school's cheerleading team. Don't get me wrong, Henrick High had an elite cheerleading squad but they couldn't dance for shit.

Our principle demanded for there to be a distraction from their 'failing postures and horrific disco dances.'
It was ridiculous - I thought cheerleaders were there to cheer not dance like some flailing banshees.

I guess I became one of them flailing banshees when my brother decided to prank me on our 16th by signing me up to be a dance leader. I could dance, obviously in the shower and my bedroom but not in front of hundreds of fellow school members never mind the soccer team.
They accepted me and I had no choice but to stay rooted as my mother finally praised me for acting feminine-like.

Apparently hanging out with my twin brother too much had turned me into half a woman as my mother stated. Whatever that means.

I quickly typed back a reply telling them I'd see them as soon as I'm free and began scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Boring, boring, Jesus Christ look at Kendall's body!
OMG Noah looks so hot in this pic- aaaand there's his girlfriend. Never mind.

Across my social media, multiple parties were taking place; on a Sunday evening.
Who the hell has the time?????????

I resumed with my studying and flung my phone under the covers. Pythagoras, you're really starting to piss me off!

As i managed to find a pattern in the answer and the build up to it, i felt an epiphany-like feeling wash over me.
Smiling victoriously, I picked up my pencil to make the notes before I hear a shrilling voice shout, "TARA! DINNER!".

I gritted my teeth; family dinner was always something we could do together therefore we had to be at the dinner table for 7pm sharp.
Or as mom puts it, 'no tuck for the tardy'.

Well, that tradition went out the window when our parents started to come home relatively late from work.

This is why I wished I was adopted by another family.

Slamming my textbook down, I responded to my mother's call for dinner.
That woman irked me - after all my snarky self had to come from somewhere! She always managed to interrupt me whenever I was busy.

Like the time I discreetly brought a boyfriend home and to my room and she all of a sudden started screaming "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TARA PLEASE TAKE MY ARMANI TO THE DRY CLEANERS, THIS IS EXPENSIVE UNDERWEAR!"

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