Chapter 29

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Omfg we lost power for 8 hours and all the smoke alarms were going off and we have to dog sit my cousins dog over spring break she puked on the rug and she's always barking and it scares my cat so my kitten won't eat or drink or anything and I don't even get my nacho fries bc Taco Bell doesn't have power


We walked into the hospital and Frank held my hand nervously. We had our babies in the moby wraps, strapped to both our chests. We went to the hospital room and I saw Linda laying in the bed. She was bruised and cut but looked relatively okay.

"Mom," Frank whimpered.

He gave her a hug and she smiled.

"He was arrested," she said.

"Are you okay?" Frank asked.

She nodded. "I got some broken ribs and a sprained wrist and just a lot of bruises and cuts."

He sniffled, kissing her cheek.

"H-he's really in jail?" I whimpered.

Linda nodded, crying quietly.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you, Gee," she whispered.

"It's not your fault," I said.

"C'mere, I wanna see my little granddaughters," she said.

We handed her our daughters and she smiled.

"Oh, my sweet little girls," she whispered. "I would do anything to keep them safe."

Frank sat down in the chair beside the bed, pulling me down onto his lap.

"Grandpa told me he'd be here as soon as he could," Frank said.

"It's okay," she said quietly.

"Do you need something?" Frank asked. "I can go get you something."

"It's okay, honey, I'm fine," Linda said. "You're so sweet."

Frank sniffled quietly, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you, mom," Frank whispered.

"I love you too, sweetheart," she said.

Linda smiled down at her grandkids but she looked devastated, as much as she tried to cover it up. Frank held my hand, gently rubbing the back of it.

"You two okay?" Linda asked.

"Y-yeah, of course we are," Frank said.

"Good because you two are moving back in with me," she said. "God, I've missed you so much."

"Good, I can't wait," Frank said. "I've missed you, I've hardly seen you."

"You're so sweet," Linda mumbled. "I don't deserve you, you are the best son a mom could ever ask for."

Frank sniffled, wiping his eyes.

"I'm sorry, mom, I-I should've helped you, I should've kept you safe," Frank said quietly.

"That's not your job, sweetheart," she said. "It's my job to keep you safe and that's all that's important to me, that the four of you are safe and you have a nice little family with your own kids."

Frank nodded quietly, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay now," he said.

Linda nodded and handed us back our daughters. I sniffled and looked down at my beautiful little Lily as she smiled up at me. She was so sweet and she didn't deserve to be part of this awful, awful world. She should be happy and healthy and peaceful. Her and her sister shouldn't have to grow up in a world filled with just shitty people and so much violence. They should be happy and peaceful with our own little family.

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