Chapter 5

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     I woke up in my room. I walked into the main room, "Brayden, are you awake?" I asked, I pushed his door open to fin his bed messy and his window open. I walked over to the window. I saw some yellow sand-like substance. I knew who was there, and what had happened the Brayden. It was the fifth time something like had happened.
     Peter had been taking kids all over the world to a place that was like a prison for them. He called the children he collected: The Lost Boys, and used them for him own gain. The land he took them to was an island in the sky. It had mermaids and magic, but it wasn't all happiness. Peter was known as the "King of The Never Lands". He was still fifteen, I found out that the explosion that happened the night everything went wrong was Peter using a spell to make himself young forever. By then I was twenty-seven. Grace and Gavin were married and were planning on having kids soon. I was worried about them having kids, then Peter taking them. I knew I had to do something to stop him. But the only way I could do that, was to go to Neverland. But then I thought that if I went there and confronted him, the whole place would probably think I'm the evil one because he's the "king".
"Hey." A girl's voice came from the main room, I stepped out to find Hazel.
"Hazel! It's so good to see you!" I hadn't seen her since that night. Same with Simon. Brayden and I stayed together because we both wanted to find out what happened to Peter, while Simon didn't want anything to do with it. Me and Hazel hugged,
"I wish I could say the same thing, I'm here with bad news. Simon's missing."
"Same with Brayden. But he's not missing, I know where he is... Peter." I said. Hazel looked scared.
     "What are we going to do about Peter? He's crazy."
     "I'm not sure what I did, but I did something that made Peter like this. Piper said that I am his worst enemy. Not you, not Simon... me." I said, looking around, feeling horrible because all of this was my fault.
     "Hey, this is not your fault." Hazel said, it was like she could read my mind. "What could you have done? You were so kind to him at the orphanage, even though he was odd. You did nothing." She said, I slightly smiled, she made me feel comfortable.
     "Well I had to have something to do with it. I don't have an exact plan, but I have an idea. If we get to wherever Peter is taking these people, then we could probably stop him. But to do that..." I didn't know how.
     "We need to set Peter up. We need to find out the next person he will want to take, then get them in on a plan to stop Peter." Hazel finished my sentence. I nodded, it was a good plan.
"How do we find the next person?" I asked.
"There has to be a pattern in who he takes. The last people were Simon and Brayden, maybe he's going for the kids from the orphanage." She suggested. I nodded in agreement.
     "So... the first person he took was a kid named Zac, then a little girl U
Yolanda, then Xay..." I trailed on,
     "Alphabet!" Hazel shouted.
     "The alphabet doesn't start with Z." I said,
     "It does if it's backyards, think about it. He took the kids Z-A."
     "Well, Z-B. Brayden was just taken. Next should be someone that starts their name with an A." I suggested. She nodded,
     "And they probably have to either be in the orphanage or related to it."
     "Hang on, let me try something." I walked over to the computer and searched: Zac Miller, the missing kid. It came up as: Kid gone missing in the middle of the night; he lived at Hay street, 2163.
     "That's near the orphanage." Hazel said. We made eye contact, I got up and ran into my room to get dressed, once I did, I grabbed an apple and we headed to the car. I got in the drivers seat and she got in the front seat.
      We went to the address, to ask some questions, but we knew whoever was there wasn't going to answer to random kids. We had to make up something:
     "Ma'am, we're here to continue the search for Zac. Please restate everything you've told us before." Hazel said, she put on her blazer to make her look official, and I buttoned up my shirt. She had a notepad and pen. We were trying to look like cops.
Later that day we found out that everyone that had been taken had a relative that had been in the orphanage, or had been themselves. And he was going backwards. There was going to be one more victim.
"So we know that the next victim has to have a relationship to the orphanage. And their name has to start with A." Hazel listed. I nodded along.
"A... A..." The only name that came to mind was a name that made my heart ache. "...Ava." I peeped. Hazel looked at me, she looked as sad as I was. We both lost someone we loved.
"It can't be her. She is... you know."
"Wait-." I stood up, turning this horrible thought to something useful, "What if it's someone close to Ava then. Remember when we looked through and there wasn't an 'C' but there was another 'S'. It had to be someone close to them."
"And that 'S' was Simon! Who was he close to? Other than you... and me." She asked.
"And their name had to start with a 'C'... do you remember that guy that owned the orphanage before June did, Simon stayed in touch with him because he was there when he owned the orphanage." I said. Hazel nodded along.
    "So it has to be someone close to Ava... like you. Or me." She noted. I looked at her with concern.
     "Looks like we're taking a trip to Neverland."

I know I don't put A/N's, but I had to say that I'm sorry this story is going down a weird path. The first chapters were pretty good and I'm kinda taking it downhill. Sorry, I'll try to make it better.

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