Chapter 7- Mate

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Authors Note: The picture is of Ajax but the celebrity’s real name is Michael Trevino.

•Ajax's P.O.V. •

        Since I was in the Plaza I had smelled something so intoxicating. It smelled like a forest lake. I didn't understand why I smelled forest lake when I wasn't in the forest.

        I was standing in front and the pack was yet still joining me in the Plaza, then this smell hit me. It's the most beautiful and intoxicating smell I have ever smelt. I want to see where it was coming from but I has to lead my pack in the Full Moon Run.

        We entered the forest and I still smelled a lake and I was not near a lake. I smelled the forest but I also smelled a lake. Is there a lake I don't know about?

        I lead them to start running. A little while after I started to notice the smell get closer and closer. I wanted to just forget the smell and put it behind me so I can lead my pack but I kept thinking about it. I was thinking of warning my pack but my wolf, Griffith, told me not to. I trust my wolf so I didn't. Anyway, if anyone thought something was strange or out of place, they would tell me including my Beta and best friend Ritchie.

        We finally got to the point where we separate. My wolf was excited for some reason. He's not usually excited. I finally can find out what and where the smell is coming from. The smell started to go further and further away. However, my legs and wolf didn't let that happen.

        'Follow the smell, I have to know where it's coming from.'

        'All right Griffith.'

        I shifted back to human form and started to follow the beautiful smell. I got closer and closer. I realized that I was going into a part of the forest I don't know about. I'm going to have to check this out and know why it's not on the village map.

        The smell is even closer now. My wolf getting even more excited. I crouched down to some bushes, took my hands and moved the bushes aside so I could get a view of whatever was there. I moved the bushes aside and saw a beautiful wolf. The most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. Grey with a white tip on her tail and white ears and paws.

        'Mate! Mate!'

        "Mate." I growled as I felt my eyes turned black.

        I finally found her, my mate, my perfect match. But as I stare at this mesmerizing wolf that's in this attack stance, I start to think that I've seen this wolf before. I... I have seen this wolf in pack training.

Author Note:




I hope you like the first P.O.V. for Ajax.

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