Chapter 10- Nineve

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Authors Note:

The picture is of Nineve. I found this picture on an app on my phone. I just added the effects and fixed the contrast, saturation, and temperature.

        We arrived at the lake. It looked so peaceful compared to yesterday's events. Everything looked the same.

        "Nothing looks out of place." Ajax told me while searching the area.

        "No, nothing." I walked up to the lake. I gasped.

        "Kadyn what's wrong?" Ajax ran up to me and held me in an embrace.

        "I... I...I don't see my reflection."

        Ajax looked into the lake. I saw his reflection but not mine.

        "How is that possible?" Ajax held me tighter.

        I squirmed out if his embrace and kneeled down I front if the lake. I reached out and touched the water where my reflection should be. The lake started to bubble and I took my hand away. I stood up and Ajax held me in a sideways embrace. The bubbles started to move to the middle and started to rise. I started to make a form of a person.

        "I am Nineve; The Lady Of The Lake.” She was very beautiful. She is blond with blue eyes. She's wearing a gown that's white and fades into blue at the bottom. "You Kadyn Dericia Artemis, have been chosen to wield the power of water. You must use it for good. However, I must warn you that bad can come of it. You can use it to help people or to destroy the world as we know it. Bad people will be after you for this power so you must keep it a secret."

Well she answered my ‘who are you’ question. Haha. Yeah I know, not funny, just trying to make fun of the worse parts of life. Now for another question.

        "How do you know my name?"

        She chuckled. "Out of my whole speech you ask that question. However, not to worry, it is a good one. I, The Spirit and Lady of the Lake, have decided for you to wield the power of water. You are a very special girl. The way you think, the way you understand the world. I know you love nature."
I was speechless.

        "I have chosen for you to wield the power of water." She smiled. "With this power you will have the power you will become invincible. However, there is one catch. You must show your worthy of wielding the power of water. You must take a test."

        "What kind of test?"

        "You must swim down to the bottom of the lake. There is an orb. Retrieve it without using your hands or any object. This will show and test your strength and mentality."

        "How am I supposed to do that?! This is a trick. I'm losing my mind!"

        "Think through your spirited mind." In addition, with that she disappeared. Disappeared back into the lake.

Author Note:

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