Chapter 6- The Solution

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After searching for spare parts I ending up with a little bit of iron, cloth, and leather. To test each material I put it by the crystal and touched it. The iron electrocuted me. The cloth started burning so I didnt touch it. The leather shocked me only a little. After thinking a little I started working.
After a hour or more I ended up with a glove. On the outside it was leather. On the inside it was cloth. Instead of testing it myself, I had a guard test it. He put the glove on and touched the crystal. He instantly pulled his hand away saying he got a little burnt. He gave back the glove and I went back to work.
After another hour I ended up with a glove with the tip of the fingers having iron in between the the cloth and leather. The iron led out of the glove back up to where it would touch the crystal. The iron leading out was covered with leather and cloth. The guard tested it again. This time he said it didn't shock him. I tried it and felt a tiny sting but not real bad. I copied the design and put both on. It was a safe way to carry the Crystal and it actually worked.
After my new discovery I looked at my sword. Now that I could safely touch the crystal and new its power, I cut a piece off and put it in the sword. I put it in the the spot where the crystal my father stole once sat. I wondered the kind of power I now had...

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