9: Dream

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Cait's POV

I sat up in bed, sweat trickling down my forehead. My breath was sharp and ragged as I tried to remember the nightmare I just had. It felt so real, like I was there, but that's impossible!

Wasn't I in my bathroom? My hair was slightly damp. I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot. I blinked and saw the all too familiar tint of red and blue, I blinked again and it was gone. I shook my head and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and headed to the guest room that I use to record videos.

Not gaming videos, I don't have the right equipment for that. I record what I remember about my nightmares and post them on YouTube. I already have a ton of subs. I think the reason why they subscribed is because sometimes they have the same dreams. That and once in a while I post funny videos of me and a couple friends doing challenges.

It's not all dream vlogs. I'd really love to make some gaming videos. Then I could really do collabs. My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Mark.


Oh...yeah, I remember now..

I answered the phone and his velvety, smooth voice graced me with it presence. I mean, he started talking.

(Marks dialogue for phone calls is this -> hello everybody!. Cait's dialogue is this -> I too say hello)

M: Hey! You didn't message me back and I got really...worried?
C: I'm so sorry! I got out of the shower and then I woke up. I had the strangest dream though..have you ever heard of a man named Damien? Or a man named Wilford? Like not Wilford Warfstache, he's a Colonel.
M: Come over, right now. I'll text you my address.
C: I need to make a video..
M: Don't! Just get in your car, and come over. I'm going to call a friend. I sent you my address.


I looked at my phone and shivered. What the hell was all that about? All I did was ask a couple of questions. I sighed and put my shoes on.

As I drove to Marks house, I felt strange. I wanted to turn around and never see the light of day again. I pulled up to his house and my mouth fell open. Its so beautiful. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. I knocked a couple times and Mark answered the door, his dog Chica running up to me and sniffing me.

"Why did you want me to come over so quickly? Did I offend you or something?" I asked, still in awe that I was at Mark's house.

"Just come in." He said, leading me into his living room. I nearly fainted when I saw who was sitting on the couch.

"Hi, you must be Cait. I'm Jack, but you can call me Sean."

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