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Hey buddy!



oh, its you


Good morning, how are you?

tired, why are you texting me?

Cause I'm getting ready to go to school and I'm bored, so what're you doing?

walking to school

Oh cool! I'm just leaving my house :)

didnt ask but ok

Not being creepy or anything but where do you live? We probably have the same timezone if we're both heading to school

um, i live in south korea

Woah! Me too!!


:( but, why?

i got to school, now bye

:(( oh, well bye I guess


Felix sighed and stuffed his phone into his jacket pocket, he was trying to become friends with this unknown person, he really was, but they didn't seem like they wanted to be friends with him. The boy simply looked up at the sky as he was walking down the sidewalk, the wind blew through his honey colored hair and hit him in the face. It got pretty cold around this time and Felix really didn't enjoy it, he missed the warmer weather he was used to.

He must've been daydreaming because before he knew it, he felt something slippery under his foot and a stinging pain on his butt. Felix winced and looked at the ground he was now sitting on, "stupid ice," he grumbled and slowly stood up, rubbing his butt.

There was a loud laugh coming from behind Felix who was now stiff at the sound of a familiar laugh, he took in a deep breath before turning around. He was met with his best friend, Bang Chan.

"That was great! Oh god you should have seen yourself- you like flew up into the air," the new boy kept laughing obnoxiously loud. Felix only groaned and face-palmed.

Chan wiped away tears that had built up in the corners of his eyes, a wide grin still plastered on his face. He was about the same height as Felix and he had silverish grey hair which Felix always teased him about, saying he looked like an old man.

"Shut up you oldie, let's get to school already before we're late," Felix turned away and headed off into the direction of the school.

It was extremely hard for Felix to focus during English class, the boy he liked was in this class with him and he sat right in front of him. All he saw when he tried to write down the notes was him. He thought it out and decided the notes weren't important, he already spoke English fluently anyways.

Felix used the rest of the class to just stare at the back of the boy, he hadn't even known him long, heck he hasn't even held a full conversation with him. The most he's said was a simple "sorry" for bumping into him in the hallway.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lee," the teacher's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "What could be more important than taking notes? Please do tell," she had now stopped the lesson and was starting at Felix with a hand on her hip.

Felix gulped and looked around the room, everyone was staring at him, even him. "I uh.." He thought about his words carefully before speaking, "I'm fluent in English already, I don't really need the notes miss."

"Oh are you now? Why don't you show the class your English skills then," the teacher cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You're teaching though, I wouldn't want to disturb your class lesson," Felix defended.

The teacher sighed and shook her head slowly, "it's already been disturbed Mr. Lee."

"You stopped the lesson though," Felix muttered, not loud enough for her to hear though.

"Just take the notes, even if you're fluent they could still be a help to you," she finished and turned back to the board to continue the notes.

Felix nodded even though the teacher couldn't see, and he began to write down notes. He already knew everything she was writing on the board though, he sighed and laid his head down, only to notice him glancing back at him.

"Hey," the boy in front of him whispered.

Felix gulped, "yeah?"

"You're fluent in English?" He tilted his head, now fully facing the boy behind him.

"Yeah I am, why?"

"I'm not too good at it, do you think you could teach me some at lunch or something?"

He couldn't believe his crush was talking to him, but should he even call him a crush, he barely knows the guy. "Oh sure, I'll help," he couldn't stop himself from flashing the boy a smile.

"Great, thanks! My names Changbin by the way," he gave a slight smile.

"I kn- I mean, I'm Felix."

I feel like the plot is going too fast, I do that a lot with stories ;'( oh well

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