Episode 1: "Pilot"

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Note: This is a screenplay meant for a tv show. Of course it's just a script, so just use the best of your imagination. Thank you.

2nd Note: If you're thinking of using any of my episodes for a film/webisodes/etc etc... please contact me first. And be sure to send me a link of your work of course :)

[Knight, Season 1 Episode 1]

[Episode Title: “Pilot”}


[Scene 1: A dark alley in Remington City. It’s past midnight, and the full moon is shining. In the back of a building, a homeless man is scrounging through the dumpster for scraps for food, when a cold wind struck his face. He shivered, and looked behind him, as if someone’s there. There’s no one.]

[A large silhouette of a beast fell down above him. He screamed and tried to break free, but the beast is too strong. Camera effect: Silhouette]

Homeless man:

AAAH! Get off me! Get off!


[a deep, inhuman voice] SHUT UP! PREY DOES NOT TALK!

[The beast is interrupted when a projectile found its way in the beast’s back. We now fully show what it is: The beast is a giant wolf, twice the size of a bear, and the projectile thrown is a throwing knife. The wolf writhed in pain.]

[Camera shifts to the mystery guy. Camer effect: silhouette. He’s hidden by the shadows.]

Mystery guy:

What part of “no human eating” escapes your understanding, werewolf? Let him go.

[The werewolf doesn’t budge, but when he drew his sword, it grudgingly lifts a paw, allowing the homeless man to wriggle free and run for his life.]


Why should we follow your orders? Just because you’re Balin’s son? My tongue savors for fresh prey. Fresh meat, blood and bones.

Mystery guy:

Because this city is under my protection. Go back to your faction, and we don’t have to get bloody.


I will NEVER submit!

[He charges with a great roar and swung its claws at the man. But the guy faded into mist. The guy reappeared at his side, and slashed the beast’s side. It roared and fell on its hind knees. Wasting no time, the mystery guy stabbed him in the heart.]

[Closeup shot of the guy’s face. He’s a teenager with dark hair and gray eyes. And his name… Scott Balin.]

[Camera cuts to black, then fades in to scrolling through the books, engravings and paintings of King Arthur and Camelot. As the camera scrolls across, Scott narrates.]


When King Arthur was king of Camelot, he had knights. A load of them, but there’s a group where the elite of the elite ones belong. They’re called the Knights of the Round Table. And their table is literally round. Arthur made it just like that, because normal rectangle tables, at the end of it, the leader of the group should seat. Knowing that the proud knights would most likely argue over who has the right to seat there, he made the table round, so that every man is equal. And yeah: grown men arguing over seating arrangements sound lame.

Knight: Season 1 (Screenplay)Where stories live. Discover now