Terabithia 2: The Return of Leslie

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At 12:00am Jess distracted the guard by Kyle faking his sickness. Has the guard opened the gate Jess put the guard in a headlock and bashed his head with his knee. As the alarm rang for a lockdown Jess grabbed the gun and ran towards the girls cell. As Jess shot the lock the police began shooting. " is this even part of the plan!" Yelled Janice " No, I think so!" Said Jess. As the sound of bullets bouncing off the metal walls Janice took the gun and shot the guards dead. As they disguised as the guards they went to find Maybelle killing her own cell mate. ," what. This dude has been touching me and I got tired of it." Explained Maybelle

When they bursted through the door the sounds of alarms and German Shepards barking at the cold brisk night. ," how or we going to get out!?" Worried Janice. Jess looked around with sweat coming down and ran to the police car and shot the window and took the wheel. " DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE THIS THING!!!!!???" Yelled Janice. " no and I don't care?!" Told Jess. When they lost the cops they found one of the dead Squogers. They knew they were close. But the Squoger was holding something.. LESLIE'S DIARY. Apparently the Squoger was trying to set Leslie free when one of DM's henchmen caught it. But when it got blasted Leslie gave it her Diary for a miracle. Jess open the diary with guilt then they words of Leslie made Jess tremble with shame

[Day 51, June, 30, 2009]

[I don't have much time left. I can't feel my legs anymore. I lost so much blood that I don't look like myself anymore. My hair went all the way to my back and nails were filthy from all the dirt.

Anyway I over heard the Dark Master talking about the plans of what they are going to do to me. I know I don't have much time. And if Jess.. If you see this, please save me and I LOVE YOU..

Leslie Burke]

When Jess went on his knees he yelled," I WILL GET YOU, YOU SON OF A B***H!!!" After he wipes his tears away he looked at Janice and Maybelle and said," Lets do this."

Author's Note

Sorry for the delays I was enjoying the summer well I will be back on chapter 6 and hope you like this one

[Sunday August 31, 2014]

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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