Chapter 3

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I actually really like this fic because angst

Todoroki's POV

As soon as I looked into the cell, I saw dull emotionless green eyes looking back at me. What did they do too him while he was here? They took away his strength, his smile, his glow. They broke him.

I freeze the lock on the cell and kick it open. I look at the table and see instruments of torture. Whips, saws, knives, small machines that emit high voltage shocks, lighters, Sledgehammers, and more.

I cringe and look back at Izuku. Every instrument on that table was used. He is hurt to an extreme level. I freeze the locks on his hands and feet and break him free. He falls but I catch him.

He is burned, cut, bruised, skinny, and pale. He carry him bridal style although it's impossible to avoid touching a wound, he doesn't flinch. I carry him out of the cell and out of the secret passage. I see the other heros gasp as I carry him out. I carry him to the stretcher of the just arriving ambulance.

I return home and turn on the news, to see the media is already publishing that Midoriya has returned, somewhat alive.

Midoriya's POV

Hmm, that boy I previously met saved me. How sweet of him, note the sarcasm. I lay awake in the ambulance as they try to stop fresher wounds from bleeding, I don't need whatever that stuff is that makes me sleep.

Soon the ambulance doors are opened and my stretcher is rolled into a room. The only reason I'm allowing this is, I can't do villain work if I can't move. They start to stitch up where I was slashes with knives and saws. The patch up whip marks, the 347 whip lashes to be exact, I counted how many times I was whipped put of boredom.

I rub something on burn marks then bandage them up. I still can't talk, my throat won't let me because of my foolish screams. I feel them doing something to my arm and feet, maybe surgery. That sledgehammer did some damage. They put some type of cast on my arm and foot.

"W-what day is it" I say in a scratchy voice, trying to sound pathetic. The nurse left in the room that was checking my vitals gives me a pity full lool. "It's tuesday, honey. You've been gone for three and a half weeks"  she says softly and writes down a few things.

I nod and shut my eyes. I have to go to that place thursday, I get my villain costume then. I also have to go to U.A tomorrow, the day it starts. How fitting, a future villain going to the most amazing hero class.

I suppose they'll let me out if I say I'm okay. Or if I just leave. I pull a needle out of my arm and see a piece of paper and pen on a table. I grab it and write a small note.

No, don't worry.
I just was awfully bored in this room and I must pay my dear old adoptive mother and father a visit. I promise you, I am better then I have ever been.

"Ah, perfect!" I say to myself and lay the note on the pillow. I open the window with my arm not in a cast. First floor, perfect. I hop on the window seal and jump out. I almost fall but don't. I get several odd looks as I walk down the sidewalk to the address of the new hideout.

Things don't hurt anymore. I have emotion, like anger. I no longer feel weak emotions like fear. I wonder why that is. I heard that boy, Todoroki, mumble something of how they broke me. No, they fixed me.

I reach the door of the new hideout and push it open. Ah, just as I would imagine inside. Kurogiri, Tomura, Toga, and Dabi. "Ah! My little Izuku came back to us Dabi! I told you he wouldn't betray us!" Toga says in a loud voice with her smile.

"Yeah, yeah. He hasn't betrayed us yet" he said in a monotone voice. "Tomura, I want my villain costume. I have to...visit...some people" I said, anger in his voice slightly. Toga hopped up and went somewhere, coming back with a costume.

I nod and go to a separate room and change.
It was like a design he had drawn in one of his notebooks but different. It had short sleeves with silver at the end. It didn't have the hood part put it did have a mask. Instead of imitating a smile it had razor sharp looking teeth.

He walked back to the main room. He was attacked in a hug by Toga. "You look so adorable!" She said with her normal blush. "Get off of me" I say with a monotone voice and push her off. The costume looked weird with the casts on.

"I swear I'm going to kill you for smashing my hand and foot with that sledgehammer. It makes this costume look weird" I say and glare at Toga. I walk behind the bar and put two knives in the side pockets made to hide the knives.

"Terribly sorry~" Toga says with a giggle. I tolled my eyes and scoffed at her before walking out of the bar hideout and running to my old 'home'. Once I get there I open the door and see my 'mother and father' drinking and smoking on the couch.

Once they notice I've entered my 'mother' stand up and takes the last drink out of her beer bottle. "Why did you let yourself get kidnapped you sorry excuse for a son?" She slurred out and walked to me as I closed the door.

"I'm sorry I alarmed you, dear mother. You see I just wanted to pay a visit to my dear family." I said, a sadistic smile hidden behind the mask. My 'mother' raised the bottle and slammed it over my head. "Stop being a smart ass!" She yelled.

He eyes widened when I didn't even flinch. I could feel the blood trickling down my head and face. I pulled out both of the knives and slashed across her stomach. She screamed but I covered her mouth.

I put down the knives and tore a piece of her shirt to cover her mouth. I picked up the knives and ran at my 'father'. I slashed his neck quickly. He was dead. I walked over to my mother and slashed all over her body. "A slash for every time I was beaten~" I said in a sing songy voice.

I put the knives in the pockets and wathed the life leave her eyes. I chuckled softly and opened the door before leaving. I ran with a smile back to the hideout. I opened the door and saw only Toga and Kurogiri.

Toga examined me before her eyes widened. "You're growing up so fast, Izuku" she said and hugged him. She threw him another outfit. "Go change, this is a real bar and we can't seem suspicious." She said before leaving to a back room.

I went to a restroom and changed.

I put on the outfit and looked in the mirror

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I put on the outfit and looked in the mirror. I walked to the main room and went behind the bar. I saw a note under the counter.

You're in charge of the bar, Izuku! You look the most sane or for that matter human. On the back there are recipes for some drinks, good luck! Oh yeah, flip the switch on the side so that it says open outside!
    ~ Toga♡

I cringed and turned over the sheet so I could see the recipes without customers seeing and flipped the switch. The customers would never know what he just did.

Words: 1311 unedited

Feedback? I wrote this chapter off nothing and wrote it pretty quickly, only taking one break between writing!
      -sMoL  BeAn

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