Chapter 5

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So, I'm writing! I have two ideas for where this story will go so I might just twist them both together somehow.

Izuku's POV

I woke up early the next morning and stretched, groaning. I got up and went to the bathroom, getting into the shower. I sighed as the warm water hit me. Why did I decide to be a villain? I mean, I can never go back now, with what I did to those so called parents of mine. They don't deserve that title.

Why didn't I just run away and start going to UA as a normal boy, that actually wanted to be a hero?
No, I can't now. I couldn't turn my back on everybody. I mean I could easily turn my back on Toga, but I wouldn't enjoy leaving behind the others. I actually enjoy the others company most the time. Unless they are Tomura because he acts like a little kid that had to sit in the corner.

But everyone else is chill. I finished up my shower and got out, drying off and putting on my UA uniform. Another day as the UA trader, the one and only UA villain. I grabbed my bag and put on my back. I walked to the front area, the bar area. Kurogiri and Dabi. I can live with that. "Dabi, I need you to tie this." I said and jestured to the messily tied tie.

He chuckled and crouched, tying the tie. I grabbed a cereal bar and walked out the door before Toga could realise I was out of my room. She creeps me out and I'm a villain. I shivered at the thought of her and ate at my cereal bar as I walked to school. I pulled out my phone that I had stuffed in my pocket earlier when I got ready. I looked at Todoroki's contact and sighed. I feel bad for not telling him what I really am but I can never tell him. He'd tell everybody and I am not ready for people to know I'm a villain. The league of villains isn't even too big right now.

Izuku Midoriya: Good morning, Todoroki. How'd you sleep?

Todoroki❤💙: Oh, good morning, Midoriya. I didn't think you would be awake now, it is still quite early. I slept decently. How about you?

Izuku Midoriya: I slept rather well actually. What are you doing right now?

Todoroki❤💙: I am about to leave the house. What about you?

Izuku Midoriya: Making my way to school.

Todoroki❤💙: Ah, alright. I'll see you soon then.

I smiled softly and put my phone away. Why do I get this happy feeling around him? I shouldn't since it isn't like he would like me anyways, I am a villain. Plus he probably likes girls like Yaoyorozu or something like that, Yeah he would like a girl like her. Plus even if he did  like me, I am a villain and he wants to be a hero. I sighed and looked up at the school I had just arrived at great. I'm here.

I made my way to the classroom and sat in my seat, slumping down. A few people were already there, like Iida and Yaoyorozu. I looked down as I heard a certain ashy blonde start yelling. Today was going tobe a ling day and it will take a lot not to kill somebody. Literally.

~Timeskip to the final bell~

I got up and slung my bag over my shoulder. I walked to Todoroki's desk. "You still up to hang out?" I asked and he looked up. He had been putting something in his bag. He stood and nodded, putting his bag on his back. "Then lets go." I said calmly and led him out of the classroom. We walkeed quietly back to the lot where we both first met. I shivered at the thought of the memories. Scary. I sat down in an are as he sat beside me. "So..." He said awkwardly.

"We should get to know each other better, since we could be, you know, friends?" I said and looked away from him. "Yeah...WHat do you do in your spare time?" He asked. Great question. What am I supposed to say? 'I sit in a bar with a bunch of villains!' I almost laughed at the thought of me saying that. "I like to read and kind of study people, ya know? like... a hero or villain, write about there quirks and well known moves, everything about them. How about you, what do you like to do?" I said in return.

He nodded a bit. "I don't really have a lot of freetime. My father makes me train like...a lot. But I guess I like to read or somthing like that." He said with a shrug. So the conversation went one like that for about two hours, us just getting to know eachother. I know a lot more about Todoroki now. He is actually an interesting person. We eventually decided on moving from the lot to the park. We sat beside eachother, just chatting quietly. "So..that first night we met..why were you really in the lot?" I asked quietly, leaning against him slightly.

He stiffened a bit. "Oh- well- about that, it was my father. I sort of snuck out of my room because my father had been stomping to my room, which means he most likely was going to make me 'train'. Which really means he would hurt me, but not too badly. You clearly had it a lot worse than me, from your parents to when you were taken by villains. I am really glad you are okay and that they didn't somehow turn you into a villain." He said and glanced at me.

It was my turn to stiffen and get a bit uncomfortable. "Please, do not call them my parents. it may had said that on papers but they are not my parents. My real mom was the best person in the world. I lost her when I was young though. I would never compare my adoptive abusive old parents to my real mom." I paused, "A-and how w-would they have turned me into a villain..I would never be a villain...heh.." I said nervously.

He sighed a bit and hugged me, placing a hand on the back of my head to sort of craddle the back of my head, leaning into his touch. "You just looked so broken when I saved you, You really did. I thought they had turned you into a villain somehow because even thiugh you were being abused by your adoptive parents you still looked bright and smiled. But even now...I miss that brightness I used to see in you." He said softly. I sniffled a bit and closed my eyes, nodding.

"I'll try to be brighter, Todoroki.." I said quietly. We stayed at the park for another hour before we went our seperate homes. Him going to his home and me going to the bar. I walked in to see the bar still closed, Kurogiri cleaning a glass, Dabi sitting in one of the seats with his feet up, on his phone. Tomura was most likely plotting something that would end up failing. Suprisingly, Toga was not there. I sighed and sat in on of the seats. I relaxed a bit in the chair when Toga busted through the front door.

"Izu went on a date with a hero boy!~" She yelled as she pulled something out of her pocket. Dabi raised an eyebrow. "And we care why?" He asked in a monotone and angry tone since she destroyed the nice silence they had for once. "Because he went on a date with a hero in training! And, he is mine!" Togs yelled. "Who cares if he is a hero in training, he probably won't become a real hero anyways." He said and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It wasn't a date!" I said, but I was ignored. Kurogiri just left, annoyed and tired.

"I think he will become a hero! I have seen the kid before, apparently he is strong!" Toga yelled. She had pulled photographs out of her pocket. She put one in Dabi's face. Dabi spit out his drink that he just so happened to be taking a drink of. The picture was of me hugging a certain heterochromatic male with red and white hair.

"Shouto?!" Dabi yelled.


Word count: 1422

So I finally got a chapter out.

     -SMOL bEaN

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