36| so quiet in the world tonight

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     IT WAS AROUND three in the morning when Cait bolted up right

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     IT WAS AROUND three in the morning when Cait bolted up right. The sudden jolt was caused by an excruciating pain developing near her pelvis.

     Beads of sweat were already running down her face by the time she had stumbled her way to KJ's room at the end of the hall. She didn't even have the strength to hold herself up any longer. Slowly, she slid down his door and she battered meek knocks against it.

      By the time the door was opened from the other side, Cait was panting in pain.

      KJ instantly dropped down to her and was beginning to think the worst. He knew contractions were painful but something made him feel uneasy.

      "Keneti," she sobbed, "somethings wrong. Somethings wrong with her. Please help," tears were drenching her face as her panting was overtaking her sobs.

      "Okay, okay. Let's get you to the hospital," KJ quickly grabbed the bag sitting on his desk before carefully lifting Cait up bridal style.

      Cait's mind was clustered with thoughts and scenarios; she didn't even realise she was now sitting in a car.

       Panic swept through Cait's body when she began to think of every possible outcome. Her family had been cursed with miscarriages, ovarian cancers and all sorts. Cait began to think she was about to lose her baby.

     Everything felt so wrong.

     KJ couldn't help the few tears that slipped through his eyes at the sound of Cait screaming in pain beside him. His mind should've been on the road but it kept going astray near leading to a few collisions.

     KJ swerved the car into the emergency bay and thrusted it into park. He bolted out the door and ran to Cait's side near breaking the door when he opened it.


     KJ's screams alerted multiple nurses and doctors who noticed the poor woman's state. They hoisted her up into a stretcher and carted her away. When KJ rushed to follow he was held back by a nurse, "sir, you can't go in there. I'm sorry."

     "You don't understand, she needs me," the nurse used brute force to push KJ down into a waiting chair.

     "Your wife is in a lot of distress and pain, let the doctors do what they can."

     KJ slumped forward resting his head in his hands. He didn't even bother correcting him.

     Cait's screams filled the echoey corridor. The doctors had put her on oxygen but no morphine was being used to numb her pain.

     Blurred out words flooded by like, "there's blood" and "get her to the OR".

      Cait's breaths were getting weaker and weaker. Her eyes had closed over a while ago and nothing was registering.

      A small voice was whispered into her ear, "It's too dangerous to operate, you need to push, honey."

      Cait's eyes fluttered softly open and she was now aware of her surroundings. She was no longer in the corridors but in a pale blue room. A tube was running from her mouth to a machine that was beeping incessantly.

     She turned her head to the right to see a soft smile coming from the woman she assumed had just spoke to her.

      "You need to push as hard as you can."

      Cait soon realised she couldn't feel anything from her waist down.

     She needed to somehow find the energy and power to bring her little one into the world. That was her duty as her mother; to protect and love the child. She wasn't going to let anything stop her. So that's what she did; she pushed.

     KJ was pacing the waiting room. He called everyone - told them what happened. Soon the room was flooded with their friends all wearing the same sullen face.

     None of them expected this. Everything had gone smoothly. The scans had gone smoothly. Nothing was supposed to go wrong. But it did. Now everyone was fearing the worst.

      "She's a fighter. She'll get through it," Charles patted KJ on the back as Hart mumbled along agreeing. After that nobody spoke. The eery silence filled the void and for some sick reason they just wanted to hear her scream. They just wanted to know she was still alive.

      Cait screeched through the room one last time before she near passed out on the table. She weakly glanced over at the woman who's hand she had been squeezing from the start. She was an older woman, maybe late forties. She glanced over to Cait with a beaming smile, "you've done it sweetie."

     "You've just had a beautiful baby girl," the doctor said behind the blue screen held up above her waist.

     Cait's large grin spread across her face before it slowly dropped with every second of silence that passed.

     "She's meant to cry. Why's she not crying?" her shocked state made her flood back to her thick European accent that she had been slowly losing, "why's my baby not crying?"

      "She's going to be fine, don't worry," the woman stroked her head but Cait could see the look in her eyes. The soft pity that was laced in them.

     She could faintly hear the doctor say something before they grouped around a smaller table on the other side of the room.

     "Let me see my baby! Why's she not crying? TELL ME!" Cait started to squirm and scream on the table before she was starting to be pinned down by multiple nurses.

     "Why is she not crying?" Cait sobbed into the woman's chest who was softly stroking her hair, "why won't she cry?"

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