33| the final blow hits ya

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"Sex. I want to have it."

KJ squeezed his eyes shut before slowing batting them open like if he were to open them to quickly he'd be blinded. His hand feebly reached up to his face and wiped the sleep out of his eyes before he positioned himself up on his elbows.

The room's main light was on and on the other side of the bed sat Cait with her hair in a tatty plait. Strands were falling out all over the place and her pajamas were creased from her sleep.

KJ moaned before taking a glance at the clock on his night stand, "it's four thirty in the morning, love," he voice was raspy; something Cait loves to hear when he woke up.

Cait slowly leaned forward towards him. Something he would've found sexy and seducing if it was for the eighth month stomach rubbing against his arm every couple of seconds.

Cait's fingers trailed up his chest as she spoke, "I want you."

"Cait, you're horny, I get it. But you are about to burst any moment now. The most important thing you need right now is rest. I need rest," KJ tucked a strand behind her ear.

It was nearing less than month before Cait was due and they both decided it was best if Cait had moved into his apartment. The downside that KJ had forgot to think about was Cait's hormonal state and cravings.

KJ was beginning to regret his decision.

"Am I not pretty enough? Do you just see a fat washed-up model when you look at me?" Tears started to brim Cait's eyes and KJ was never so quick to sit up straight and cup Cait's face.

"No, no, no, no, no. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I have no clue how I managed to bag you. I just think it's best right now if we take things slow. Remember? No relationship until she's born. We will work things out later," KJ kisses the top of her head which somewhat always seemed to soothe her.

"Can I at least sleep with you tonight?" Cait looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course," KJ shuffled back and helped the rather pregnant woman into the bed beside him. On those words Cait lunges forward at the man before he quickly pushed her shoulders back, "I meant sleep in the same bed, not sex."

KJ could see Cait's flushed cheeks before she tried to shuffle under the covers. When she got comfortable and was rested, KJ found his hand drawn to her stomach. His palm rested against it as if he was trying to feel a heartbeat. He was about to pull away when Cait's small fingers intertwined with his causing a soft smile on his lips.

Soon enough the light was out silence engulfed the room.

Thoughts and dreams flooded KJ's head about his new family. He couldn't wait for his child's first day of school, their graduation and soon enough their wedding.


"Yeah?" her soft voice filled the emptiness.

"Stop touching my dick."

- • -


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