My Five Hot Friends Are Fighting Over Me The Tom Boy - 13 - Who Am I, Do You Know

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Who Am I, Do You Know

I wake up in a hospital. I try standing but I can't.

"Oh honey don't try standing up you've been laying down for quite a while. We woke you up but you were so off I doubt you remember."

"What happen to me. Who--."

"You don't remember." I shake my head. A little bit too hard because it starts hurting me. "You were almost hit by a car. A man saved you, but you hit your head with a rock really hard. Now can you tell us your name, birthday, mother and father's name and if you have any siblings." I think about her questions.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know."

"I can't remember who I am. All I remember is a man with dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyes, a rogue face and he looks kind of tired."

"He got hurt by the car but not much because the car had turned before he was impacted." I flinch. Why would he save me. Did he do something to me or did he love me. Did I love him. Or was he just a Random person.

"Can I see him. Please maybe he knows who I am."

"He is sleeping, and I have to talk to the doctor." She turns to leave but I stop her.

"How long have I been here."

"About 24 hours."

"Oh okay." Then she leaves, so I lay back down. I didn't think I was tat tired but once I hit the pillow I fell asleep. I was waken up by one of the doctor asking me question that I couldn't remember. They declared that I had amnesia after that a nurses came asking me if I wanted some food. I was really hungry but when I got the food my appetite was gone. It was a cold ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce. They gave me green jell-o and water. I drank the water and ate the jell-o. Then I turned on the TV on. The first thing on it was E-News on fashion. That didn't catch my interest. I kept flipping through the TV until I found a boxing match on. After almost an hour of watching TV the nurse came in.

"Is he awake. Can you tell me what his name is."

"He is awake and his name is Giovanni."

"Can I see him please."

"Yes you may the doctor is allowing visitor, but do you really want to go in the hospital clothes." She said smiling.

"Your right, but I don't have clothing or a brush." I say touching my hair that is around my bandages. The nurse smiles even bigger then shows me a bag.

"There is everything you might need. If you need help putting on makeup I'll be outside." I nod. She leaves I go and take a shower and get dress. All I put on is lip-gloss. I go out and tell her I'm ready to see him. She leads me to his room. She goes in and I follow. He is laying down flipping throw the TV channels.

"You know channel 278 has a boxing match." He looks at me like he was happy to see me then frowns. "What's wrong." He points to m head. "They say I hit my head really hard. Why aren't you talking."

"Nurse can you leave us alone." The nurse nods and then leaves closing the door. "Why are you here." He says rudely.

"Well I was in the hospital and decided why don't I visit my old friend Giovanni." I pause. "You are my friend aren't you. You do seem to know who I am."

"You don't know who you are." I shake my head. "Do you know your name." I shake my head. "Then how do you know who I am."

"The nurse told me your name. All I remember is your face. Then I don't know how old I am, if I have siblings, where I live, what are my likes and dislike."

"Your name is Lynnyetta Barbosa but everyone calls you Lynn. You have an older brother he is 23 right now. I heard he is marrying a girl name Nicole. You have no other biological siblings. Then there are your friends. They call your group The Hells because everywhere you go you bring trouble. You are the leader and the worst of them all. You are as calculating as you are smart and beautiful." Just hearing say that made me blush. "Your blushing. I've succeeded at what many haven't done."

"I don't blush much."

"When I knew you. You never blushed at all. You would say what was just on your mind and you were never embarrassed about it either. You were so out going and friendly."

"I was."

"I don't know how you were after I left." I got closer to his bed and sat on the edge.

"Why did you save me."

"Because I didn't want you to get hit by a car and die." I got closer to him.

"I know that but why would you risk you push me out of the way knowing that you could have died. Did we have something before you left."

"No. All we had was brother's best friend friendship. We were even becoming good friends until I messed everything up." I felt like a piece of my heart was taken away

"So you saved me out of guilt." I said looking away so he won't see my face that was disappointed.

"I can't lie yes but there were other reasons. I want to tell you what happen. I know you will hate me again. I still hate myself for doing it to you. Even if I was drunk and angry I should have done that. I --. "

"Look you know something. I think most guys would let me forget. You shouldn't kill yourself over it. I can't remember it and I don't want to hear about.

"But sooner or later you'll remember everything and go on hating me."

"Then lets use the time we have."

"I can't take advantage of you like that."

"Your not taking advantage of me. Your being what I need now, a friend." I smile at him.

"You really think we could be friends." I nod. "Then we'll try it to be just friends." We decide to watch sports until the nurse said I had to go back to my room. I could sleep so I debated on whether I wanted to know what he did to me. I decided that I didn't want to know, and that if it's really bad that I shouldn't be mad at him for not telling me because it was my fault he didn't tell me. I finally fall asleep.

The next day I wake up very happy. I put on some of the cloth the nurse gave me. I wait for breakfast.

"Hello there."

"Hello nurse Forman."

"So why are you so happy." She says smiling at me.

"Because Giovanni did know me and he said my name is Lynnyetta Barbosa but I liked to be called Lynn. So you can call me Lynn."

"That's good to know. Now we can look you up and contact your family because they must be worried sick. And yes you can see Giovanni but after your breakfast." I nod. I eat my breakfast as fast as I can eat without choking. After I'm done I go to Giovanni's room. He is sitting trying to eat.

"You need some help." He nods and I go pick up his plate and open his yogurt for him. "So what did the doctor say about you."

"He said I have some broken ribs and a few bumps and scratches."

"Oh. The nurse is calling my family today. I'm kind of scared. I don't know who they are. I want you to be with me."

"It'll be okay. Though I can't meet them with you."


"Because you might have told them and they might hate me."

"It doesn't matter you saved my life. They should be grateful. So please come with me."

"Okay but you have to ask the doctor."

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