twenty three

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Jimin found Yoongi chatting with a fellow classmate but that quicky changed when he saw the younger approach him.


"Hey Yoongs." The other student decided it was his time to leave and mingled in with the crowd while Jimin took his place.

"How are you liking the party?" He asked as he sipped from a red solo cup making Jimin scrunch his nose.

"It's actually really nice, a lot more controlled then I thought it was going to be." He eyed the boy as he flicked his tongue out to lick at a droplet of red liquid. 

"Yeah, I don't drink so I keep the alcohol at my parties at a minimun, enough to have a good time but not enough to end up drunk." He explained offering his drink to Jimin to which he looked inside curiously.

"If you don't drink, then what's this?" Yoongi gave his famous gummy smile as he answered.

"It's red grape juice. My favorite." Jimn chuckled which eventually turned into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous the answer seemed. He didn't hesitate this time to take the cup and take a sip, the sour taste of grapes bursting on his tongue.

"Where are your friends? I figured you'd be with them." Jimin sighed as he gave the cup back to which Yoongi drank the rest and placed it down on a small table that happened to be nearby.

"I would be, but I got caught up in their fight. They wanted me to choose between them which I couldn't do. So I said I'd rather hang out with you and here I am." Yoongi raised a brow.

"Well, it's nice to know where I stand."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's just, you're a popular topic of choice. I know a few people who are envious of your friendship with Jungkook and even more with your relationship with Taehyung."

"People should really keep to themselves." Jimin muttered folding his arms. 

"Watch it!" Someone shouted beside the two and they turned to see a wet and dripping Taehyung push past people, his hair wetting his shirt, and his face looking awefully pale. Jungkook came soon after also in the same wet state, out of breathe and looking like he was questioning his existance. 

"I'm guessing they're talk didn't go well." Yoongi piped in making Jimin shrug although he should've gone after the two to make sure they were okay. 

"Come on." Yoongi yanked on the boy's arm making him follow as he lead them to the crowd to an exclusive room that read 'VIP only'. There were few people inside, Jungkook and Taehyung being there as well. "This is for members of the basketball team and close friends only. Taehyung had free entry and I added Jungkook on the list figuring you'd want him around." Jimin nodded locking eyes with Jungkook before drifting his eyes to Taehyung. The boy was looking down, fiddling with his fingers, his bright smile no where to be seen and looking as if he was about to cry or already had.

Jimin pursed his lips as he made his way over to Jungkook and nudged him.

"What did you do?" He nodded his head toward the direction of Taehyung and the boy looked in his direction, staring for awhile as if deep in thought before answering.

"I-I didn't do anything." Before Jimin could question further someone was clapping their hands and forcing the few people in the room to sit in a circle at the center of the room. 

Jimin found himself sitting in between Jungkook and Yoongi with Taehyung sitting on Yoongi's other side. Across from them sat Jooheon, a sneer visible on the boy's face as he eyed the four of them down as if contemplating something. Jungkook and Taehyung happened to notice him for the two looked at each in sync, Taehyung's face void of any and all emotion while Jungkook seemed uneasy. The younger scooted closer to him effectivly squishing him between Yoongi and his knee.

"Alright, we'll be playing a game of drunken truth and dare." The person talking was Namjoon, their class president and Jimin wondered how he knew Yoongi. There was a bowl in the middle of the circle that held many little chits as well as shot glasses around the bowl circling around it twice. "In the middle we have a bowl filled with truths and dares. You pick one at random. If you don't want to divulge a secret you take two shots, if you don't want to do a dare you take three shots." Jimin's jaw fell open at the rules. 

"Why'd would you let them play this? Aren't the rules unfair?" Yoongi shrugged.

"I promised Namjoon he'd pick the special game at the party since he helped a lot with my acceptance. Besides, the alcohol rules are in place so people don't just pass up the dares cause you can always lie on truths anyway." Jimin bit at his lower lip visibly anxious as the game began.

He learned a lot of things that night that he didn't think he wanted to know. Like how Namjoon had a daddy kink, Jooheon has had a threesome, Kihyun was adopted, Hoseok suffered from depression, Jin was the oldest of seven, Hyungwon had a fear of spiders. 

But he also enjoyed the many ridiculous things that they did. Like Jungkook singing the hokey pokey amazingly, Taehyung being able to flip a bottle and have it land perfectly three times in a row, Yoongi rapping, Minhyuk giving Hoseok a hickey, Kihyun playing the entire game shirtless, and Wonho mooning everyone. 

Not everyone did what the chit said though and a few of them were already tipsy and leaning on each other for support. 

Finally it came Jimin's turn and he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. There was no knowing what he'd have to do. He wasn't worried about truths cause like Yoongi said he could lie, but he wasn't too thrilled on getting drunk if he didn't do the dares. 

Taking a deep breathe he reached into the bowl and opened it to read what it said his face instantly paling. 

"Dare; K-Kiss the person to your right for ten seconds or take three shots."


a/n: so who he kissing?

or will he take the shots?

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