twenty five

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Jimin hunched over, hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breathing. After the incident with Yoongi, Jimin had bolted from the scene as soon as possible, now kneeling against the pillar of the house near the pool. 

It was almost past midnight and Yoongi had kicked everyone out besides the people in 'VIP' but Jimin wished he had thrown them out as well. The group had dispersed when several of them got to drunk to concentrate and Jimin found himself alone as he looked up at the moon. 

He felt...odd. He felt nothing. He didn't feel happy, or sad, or worried in any manner. It was as if all the emotion had been sucked out of his body and he didn't know how to feel. 

He knew one thing for sure. He did not hold any feelings for Taehyung, not in the slightest. He didn't even think he was infatuated with him as much as he thought he was. Kissing him wasn't as spectacular as it had been the first few times and now it seemed they hung out with each other when they had nothing better to do. It was exhausting and Jimin wondered how long they could continue considering they didn't have a lable on their relationship.

Everyone thought they were together, that they cared for each other but that couldn't be far from the truth. It was driving him insane and the boy clutched at his head to try and stop the thoughts from swirling in his head. 

He felt someone place a hand on his shoulder before he heard a voice that had his heart thumping once more and flooding his body with all the lost emotions.

"You okay?" Yoongi's eyesbrows were furrowed in worry as he patted the boy gently on the back. Jimin weakly nodded before standing straight. 

After awhile Yoongi took Jimin's hand and led him to two pool chairs where they could relax easily and the action gave Jimin a nostalgic feeling.

"This feels like the times you would take my hand when we would walk over that log on the riverbank next to your house. I would always be so scared I'd fall in but with you I never did." Yoongi smiled fondly at the memory his heart aching for what once was. "Yoongi, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." The older laid in his respective pool seat, Yoongi crossing his arms behind his head while Jimin decided to sit.

"Why don't you drink?" Yoongi's smile faded some but brightened back up before he turned to look at Jimin's innocent gaze.

"You know why." The younger fiddled with his fingers with a nod. It was silent for a few more seconds before Yoongi spoke. 

"Can I ask you something?" 


"When you got that dare, you wanted to take the shots...did you not want to kiss me or...?" He trailed off at the end not really wanting to hear the answer. Jimin bit the inside of his cheek.

"I just thought it would be wierd considering we're friends and all." Yoongi sat upright on his chair mirroring Jimin's sitting position, the two within a foot of each other.

"Is that what we are? Friends? I think that label dropped when you chose Jungkook over me..." His voice was laced with hurt and it was also evident in his eyes. It broke Jimin's heart and the boy trailed his fingertips over the boy's cheek to which Yoongi grasped his hand in his own. 

"I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have left you..." His answer was just as heartbreaking to hear.

"I understand why you did though...Our friendship was amazing and I would do anything to be back in those days. But I was fighting with my demons while you were fighting with your own." Jimin nodded understanding the older having not realized that he held his hand firmly.

"I had to. Two broken people can't fix each other, we would've destroyed each other further in the end." 

"But that was then, what about now?" Yoongi whispered the words his head looking down at their interwined fingers. Jimin tilted the boy's head up so they were looking eye to eye and that's all it took. 

Jimin leaned in, his lips hovering over Yoongi's, waiting, wanting, before Yoongi  tugged at his hand to pull him into his lap and their lips connected. 

It was like fireworks going off in the distance as their bodies molded against each other, teeth nipping at sensitive flesh, tongues battling, fingers carding through hair to tug and pull. 

Yoongi held the younger on his lap, squeezing the boy's waist as his lips parted and the boy slipped his tongue into his mouth for a sensual kiss making the older let out a breathy whimper. 

The moon witnessed the blooming of something new, as did someone else.

Taehyung stood frozen at the back door that led out into the pool. He saw the two mold into each other but the boy felt nothing. He should've felt that pang of jealousy, the bitterness of envy, the pain of betrayal, but none of it was there. How could he feel for something that was never real in the first place? 

"Taehyung?" Jungkook's voice broke through the boy's thoughts but before he could warn him Jungkook was standing beside him having caught the scene. The older turned his face to see the way the younger's jaw clenched, the way his eyes seemed to shatter and gloss over as tears threatened to spill. 

Taehyung might not have felt it, but Jungkook felt everything

Finally after what seemed like forever Jungkook took in a sharp breathe that seemed like a gasp as he turned to flee the scene but Taehyung caught his wrist before he could go. 

The younger looked up at him with a pissed and hurt expression ready to flip him off but he was caught of gaurd. Taehyung's eyes shone with sincerity, the older circling his wrist with his thumb and Jungkook felt like his world was being tilted. It was the same feeling he felt when the boy had kissed him in the pool, the sense of the unknown, the sense of uncertainty. 

The older pulled him close and Jungkook fell into his arms, his face nestled in the crook of Taehyung's neck as he cried tears for someone that would never care trying to hold back his sobs, his hands clenching at the older's shirt. 

Taehyung held him close, his arms wrapped around him in a protective manner as he gently patted his back. 

"It's okay." He tried to reassure and Jungkook looked up at him after awhile, his eyes red and tears still running down his face. It was the younger that leaned in this time to press their lips together easily. 

Their was a gasp, the tugging of clothes, someone's back hitting the wall as the two were lost in each other, Taehyung in his own euphoria, and Jungkook in his pain. 

The younger bit down on the older's lip breaking the skin and licking at the small bead of blood that came from the wound. His eyes were hooded, his hands holding onto the older's face as he trailed his lips up his jawline effevitively making the older weak. 

And that's how the night ended, the four of them too lost in each other to see the bigger picture.



:3 sooooooo

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