Chapter 1 - Little Lucy

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Hey, I'm Natsu Dragneel and I'm Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer. I don't know how this happened but I'm going to find out who did this to Lucy.

This morning, I was walking to Lucy's apartment with Happy flying next to me. We were going to ask Lucy if she wanted to join us for a job and we knew her rent was nearly due.

As we arrived at her apartment, I took my special entrance, the window. Lifting the window open, "hey Lucy, want to do a job with me and Happy?" I asked as I leaped into the room but all I heard was silence. 'That's weird' I thought, as I could still smell Lucy's scent. I followed her scent to her bed, which had a small lump. "What's up Natsu?" Happy asks and I point to the lump on the bed. He seemed to understand as I walked closer to the bed pulling the covers quickly to reveal a sleeping 5 year old Lucy!

Happy and I stared at her wide-eyed as she started to wake up. Lucy was wearing her pink short-sleeved pyjama top, although it looked more like a dress now. She rubbed her eyes sleepily "Papa?" she asked looking at me smiling. I couldn't help but think she was adorable. 'Who did this to her and why was she calling me her Papa?' these thoughts flooded my mind, I'm sure Gray would tease me about thinking. I decided to play along, "morning Lucy did you sleep well?" She smiled and replied, "yes I did Papa" as she came over and hugged my leg.

Lucy then spotted Happy, "Kitty!" she said excitedly. I couldn't help but chuckle. Happy snapped out of his shock "the name's Happy" he said as he pouted. "Kitty!" she repeated running towards Happy who was hovering in the air above her out of her reach. 'I think Happy is still upset with the nickname' I thought laughing in my head.

She started to cry, upset that she couldn't pet 'Kitty'. I glared at Happy and he seemed to feel bad so he descended to the floor next to her "sorry Lucy" he said. Lucy turned to him and instantly cheered up hugging him. Happy seemed to relax into the hug and I couldn't help but smile.

"We should take Lucy to the guild they might know what to do" I suggested, Lucy turned to me asking, "what's a 'guild'?" "It's a family" I replied and she seemed to get excited as she ran over to me putting her hands up saying "up." I picked her up holding her with one arm as she hugged my neck.

I climbed out of the window holding Lucy closer making sure she doesn't fall. As I landed on the ground in front of her apartment I started walking towards the guild with Happy flying next to us.

"Kitty" Lucy said holding her hands out for a hug towards Happy. He sighed and flew into the hug, now I was carrying both of them to the guild. As we reached the entrance of Fairy Tail, Lucy seemed to be nervous "don't worry everyone is really nice" I reassured her. She smiled back as we entered the guild, everyone turned to stare at Lucy and I, but more at Lucy. She became scared because of the staring, letting go of Happy she hid her face in my scarf, 'so cute!' I thought.

"Hey Flame Brain, did you and Lucy finally hit it off?" Gray said as he smirked walking over to us. "Put some clothes on Popsicle you're in front of a child and no it's Lucy" I replied glaring at him. The guild all exclaimed in surprise and started to crowd around Lucy and me. They would ask "how did this happen" or say "she's so cute!" Lucy was hugging my neck tightly hiding her face. I could tell she was terrified, "HEY BACK OFF YOU'RE SCARING HER!" I exclaimed and everyone backed up, giving us some room.

"What's going on brats?!" Gramps shouted from the balcony then he looked at Lucy. He came down from the second floor, "go back to what you were doing" he said walking towards us. The crowd left except Lucy and me. "Come over to the bar" Gramps said as I followed him. He jumped up onto the bar becoming face-to-face with Lucy as I hold her.

"Hi there" Gramps kindly said to her smiling. Lucy seemed to relax and removed her face from my scarf. She gave him a smile "hi" she replied to him. Gramps then called over Mira. As Mira walked over wiping a glass, Lucy's eyes widen "she's pretty" she said and Mira just giggled. "Mira I need you to get Lucy some clothes and supplies" Gramps told her. She agreed and turned towards Lucy "do you want to come with Aunty Mira?" Lucy nodded happily, 'Mira is so good with kids' I thought.

I reluctantly handed Lucy to Mira, "keep her safe" I warned, to which Mira giggled "don't worry Natsu she's in safe hands." Then the two left the guild towards the market place.

I couldn't help but feel worried, "worried much?" Gray snickered at me and I glared at him starting up our usual fight. The fight didn't last long as Erza broke up our fight by slamming our heads together. Rubbing my sore head Happy flew over asking, "what are we going to do about Lucy's rent?" I had completely forgotten about that.

"What if we did a job that we could bring Lucy on?" Erza suggested, "I'm sure she wouldn't want to part with Natsu" she added. It was a great idea and that way I can watch over her at the same time. "Yeah lets do that, Happy go find us a job" I said then he saluted and flew over to the request board.

A few minutes later, Happy came over to our table and placed the request down on the table it was about handling some bandits for 70,000 jewels. Exactly what she needed. "These bandits work in the forest and while we beat them up Lucy can hide in the bushes" Happy said, "great idea Happy" I said. Erza and Gray nodded agreeing with the request.

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