Chapter 3 - Bodyguards

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As we walked back to the guild everyone introduced themselves to Lucy after checking she was alright. She started to relax while talking to everyone. When we went inside the guild everyone started discussing the situation that just unfolded. I gave Lucy her dragon plush and took her to the corner of the guild away from the discussion. We were sitting on the floor as she was playing with her toy. "Kitty! Big Brother!" she said excitedly, seeing Gray and Happy coming over. They smiled at her.

We sat in a circle, "what were they talking about?" I asked Gray whispering. "You and I are going to be Lucy's bodyguards since we're strong and Lucy is attached to us" he replied. "I also have to stay at your place with you, Lucy and Happy" he added. I growled at the thought of him staying with me but it's for Lucy so I'll deal with Ice Princess.

Lucy and Happy were enjoying playing with each other until Lucy yawned. I pulled her into my lap and she fell asleep peacefully. 'She's had a hectic day' I thought moving hair off her face.

"Time to go home" I said lifting Lucy off my lap, holding her to my chest letting her head rest on my shoulder. "We need to stop at my place on the way, I need to get my stuff" Gray said and I agreed. We were about to walk out of the guild with Happy flying above us when we heard the guild shout goodbye or "keep Lucy safe!" Waving goodbye to the guild, we left for Gray's place.

Lucy slept soundly as we went to Gray's place to pick up his stuff before going to my place. As we entered my house Gray stared at it in shock. "What?" I asked him walking over to lay Lucy on my hammock. She stirred in her sleep cuddling her dragon plush tighter. Gray recovered from his shock, "how can you live in a place so messy, now I see why you break into Lucy's" he said looking around the room.

I ignore him and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I put out a raw fish for Happy and I notice that we had no food left, 'I need to buy more food' I thought. I came out of the kitchen and saw Gray sitting on a chair next to my hammock watching Lucy sleep. "I wonder what they want Lucy for?" he asked with his back to me. "Whatever the reason, they won't have her" I replied my hands clenched into fists. "Anyway, you look like a pervert watching Lucy sleep while not having any clothes on" I said, "ah when did that happen" he exclaimed then we moved to sit on the couch after Gray put his clothes back on.

After sitting for a minute, "we better clean this place up" Gray said getting up and picking up a pan off the floor, "why?" I asked cluelessly. "Lucy could hurt herself in this mess" he relied continuing on cleaning. He had a point so I started to clean.

As soon as we finished cleaning the house from top to bottom, Lucy woke up from her nap rubbing her eyes. "Papa? Big Brother?" she said looking at us, "hey Lucy, do you want to go out to dinner?" I asked smiling. "Yeah!" she replied excitedly, Gray and I chuckled at her reaction.

I picked her up walking out the door with Gray and Happy. "Kitty" Lucy said opening her arms wanting to hug Happy since she left her dragon plush at the house. Happy sighed and went into the hug. Gray and I carefully watched our surroundings as we walked to the restaurant.

Soon we arrived at the restaurant 'Sapphire' with no problems. A waiter led us to a booth, I sat Lucy next to me as the waiter handed us the menus. "Let me know when you're ready to order" the waiter said before walking away. "Know what you want Lucy?" I asked her, she turns to me "omurice!" she replies smiling.

When the waiter came back we ordered our food. Lucy told the waiter her order, I ordered a massive plate of hot chicken wings, Gray ordered curry and Happy ordered a salmon. We were talking about random stuff when the food arrived. On Lucy's omurice there was a cat made out of tomato sauce. "It kinda looks like Happy" I said, then Lucy took a bite "AH she's eating my face!" Happy exclaimed and we all laughed.

We joked around during dinner and after we finished we ordered dessert. Lucy, Happy and I ordered a piece of chocolate cake and Gray ordered Neapolitan ice cream, 'not surprising' I thought.

Finishing our desserts, Gray and I split the bill and left the restaurant with Lucy and Happy. While walking home Lucy wanted to hold Gray's and my hand. I took Lucy's left hand while Gray took her right. Gray and I looked at each other and smirked, we had an idea. At the same time while holding hands we lifted Lucy up, she laughed swinging between us. We smiled at her reaction as we put her back down. We did this a few more times on the way back to my place.

When we arrived at my house, Lucy played with Happy while Gray and I set up his bed on the floor next to my hammock. Once the bed was set up, Lucy ran up to Gray "Big Brother can I see your magic?" she asked. He kneeled to her height and made a flower out of his ice. She was jumping up and down clapping her hands happily, he just snickered towards me. I pouted, Lucy seemed to notice because she came over to me. "Papa can I see your magic?" she asked, I immediately cheered up and I made mini fireworks then made animals using my flames. She was happier than when Ice Stripper showed her his magic. I smirked back at him "shows whose magic is better Ice Cube", "what did you say ya Pyro!" Gray retorted. We clashed foreheads arguing.

Our fight ended when we heard Lucy yawn, "Papa I'm tired," she said rubbing her eyes. I walked over to her and picked her up. I laid her down on my hammock, placed her dragon plush next to her and pulled a blanket over her. She cuddled her dragon and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Gray slept on his bed, I took the couch while Happy slept on my stomach. The house fell quiet as we slept through the night.

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