Chapter 33 - Please Save Me

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Lucy's POV

I couldn't see anything, just darkness when Hell turned us into a shadow. Once we were far away from where Papa was, we came out of the shadow. We had arrived outside a dark castle. The bricks were dark purple, a murky fog circled the building. Lanterns lit up the entrance as we walked towards the castle.

"I don't wanna go to the scary castle!" I cried out, trying to get out of his arms. "Why not? This is going to be your new home" Hell said, trying to be kind. "I wanna go back to Papa's house" I said sadly. "You can't" Heaven said in a deep voice with no emotion. I cried my heart out when I heard I couldn't go back to Papa's house.

"Geez Heaven, did you really have to upset the kid?" Hell sighed. "Come on Lucy, we have a surprise for you" he said cheerfully as he bounced me in his arms. "Surprise?" I said as I rubbed my teary eyes. I missed Papa a lot.

"Yeah! Come on" Hell said cheerfully, walking towards the scary castle. I had a very bad feeling and the feeling increased the closer we got to the castle. "We're back and we've brought little Lucy!" Hell cheered as we went through the doors. Inside there was an elderly man sitting on a dark throne at the end of the room. The man had long white hair and a thin beard. He wore a dark shirt paired with armoured shoulder pads and simple dark beige pants with dark boots. His whole attire was covered by a massive cloak.

"Good work boys, you've finally brought what I wanted" the man said. His voice made me shiver and he smirked when he noticed. "What took you so long?" a figure next to the man spoke up. The figure stepped into the light revealing a woman. She had long autumn coloured hair tied into a pony tail, reaching to her butt and her body was covered in silver armour.

"We got here as fast as we could, that damn Fire Dragon Slayer was in the way" Hell stated. "Bring Lucy closer to me" the man ordered and Hell brought me closer to him. "W-Who are you?" I stuttered, afraid of the man in front of me. He smirked, "sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ares, the lady beside me is Vixen" Ares introduced. "Take Lucy to her room and don't leave her alone. You should know your jobs" Ares said to the twin Demon Slayers.

"Our job is to be guardians to little Lucy" Hell answered, "good. Now leave" Ares ordered, shooing us off. "Come on Lucy, time for your surprise" Hell said cheerfully to keep me calm as we walked out of the room. After walking through a few hallways and stairwells we reached a door. "Ready?" Hell said as he opened the door. Unlike the rest of the castle, the room was nice, perfect for a kid.

The walls were painted in a pastel pink colour with painted flowers everywhere. A pink double bed sat at the are far end of the room, stacked with plush toys. I saw a couch and wardrobe standing on the left wall while a doll house stood on the right. A coffee table sat in the middle of the room. I noticed there was a plain wooden door on the right wall and a white wooden door on the left wall.

My eyes were wide at the sight of the room. Hell carefully placed me on the floor while Heaven stood in front of the door to stop me escaping. With no way to escape, I quickly ran to the bed to look at the plush toys. None of them could compare to my red dragon plush.

Remembering my dragon plush, reminded me of Papa. The tears flowed freely as I hugged my legs to my chest. "What's wrong Lucy? Is there something you don't like?" Hell said as he came over and sat on the bed. I shuffled back away from him, "I miss Papa!" I cried.

Before Hell could say something to me, Heaven put his hand on Hell's shoulder. He signalled to the door with his head. Taking the clue, Hell and Heaven left me alone in the room. I heard the door lock after they left.

I cried my heart out, remembering all the fun times I had with Papa and Fairy Tail. I remember showing Papa my red plush dragon, Papa showing me his fire magic, Papa having fights with Big Brother, and Aunty Erza stopping their fights. I remember going shopping with Aunty Mira, reading stories with Big Sister Levy, Big Brother Gajeel saving me, Big Brother Sting sulking and Big Brother Rogue picking on Big Brother Sting.

I remember the time I spent with the Thunder Legion, plaiting Uncle Freed's hair, playing with Uncle Bix's dolls, Aunty Ever showing me her Fairy Magic and Big Brother Laxus tickling me on his bed. "I miss everyone" I mumbling as I grabbed a black and white cat plush to cuddle till I get my plush dragon back. I felt exhausted from all my crying that I fell asleep.

I woke up to Hell and Heaven arguing, well more like Hell shouting nonstop at something Heaven said. They were like the opposite of Big Brother Sting and Big Brother Rogue. I rubbed my eyes tiredly while I watched them argue. Heaven soon noticed I was awake, "good job idiot" he said sarcastically. Hell finally stopped shouted and looked at me. "We've brought you food" Hell said pointing to the food on the coffee table in the middle of the room.

I walked over to the table with the plush cat to see a bowl of fruit and Onigiri. I bit into one of the Onigiri, "do you like your room?" Hell asked. Simply nodding I went back to eating my food.

"Oh Heaven! I think my heart is breaking, little Lucy won't talk to me!" Hell said dramatically. 'Definitely like Big Brother Sting' I thought, taking another bite of my Onigiri. "Who cares?" Heaven retorted emotionlessly. 'Definitely like Big Brother Rogue' I thought. Hell acted shocked, "aren't you being too mean to me Brother?" he said. Heaven just shrugged and went to sit on the couch with his arms crossed.

'I hope you save me soon Papa' I prayed silently.

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