Chapter 31 - Can I get a hug?

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Thank goodness that boring job is finished! Gray and I were walking through the streets of Magnolia towards the guild. The rich man had a jerk 12 year old son who wouldn't shut up about how many rich toys he has. Bragging about it so much that I almost torched him with my flames but Gray held me back. He would remind me that if we didn't get the reward money we would need to do another job for Lucy's rent with HIM.

Luckily, I didn't torch him but when the kid wasn't annoying me it was Gray. Oh boy! The amount of arguments that Gray and I had was endless. He would either tease me about Lucy or call me an idiot. At least I got to release my anger on the band of thieves.

Sigh, I can't wait to get back to the guild and eat something! Also, I finally get to see Lucy. 'That Sparky Jerk better have been taking care of my little Lucy!' I thought in rage. "What's got you all worked up?" Gray asked, noticing my anger. "I hope that Laxus took good care of Lucy while we were gone" I replied. "Don't you mean 'my Lucy'?" he teased, "shut up!" I shouted.

Soon we reached the guild doors, I kicked the doors open. "We're back!" I called out, "welcome back!" I heard the guild shout. Suddenly I heard "Papa!" and saw Lucy run up to me happily. I picked her up and spin her around. "Did you miss me Lucy?" I asked, "yeah!" she replied.

I hugged her to my chest, "don't I get a welcome?" Gray interrupted. "You ruin a perfect moment, Ice Cube" I said, annoyed. "Hi Big Brother!" Lucy waved, smiling. "Can I get a hug?" Gray asked her. Lucy held her arms out for a hug and Gray took her off me, smirking at me. After they hugged, I quickly snatched Lucy out of Gray's clutches. "What was that for?!" he exclaimed, "what? You got your hug!" I retorted.

We clashed our foreheads, saying insults to each other. "They fight the second they walked through the door" Macao commented in the background. Our argument was interrupted by a giggle. I found the source in my arms, Lucy. "What's so funny?" I asked curiously. "Papa's hair" she giggled and Mira handed me a mirror.

I saw a little flame lit on the top of one of my spikes. Lucy lifted herself up, licked her fingers and extinguished the flame. "Thanks Lucy" I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. I could feel heat rising from my cheeks. She lowered herself back down and hugged my neck. I hugged her back, my heart felt warm and I couldn't help but smile.

"AW!" I heard Mira, Levy and Evergreen say at our touching scene. Ignoring them, I went to an empty table carrying Lucy with Gray following. Happy flew over to our table "hey Natsu! How did the job go?" he asked as he landed on the table. I sat Lucy on my lap as I explained about the 12 year old jerk and dealing with Gray.

"It was like dealing with a child" Gray complained. "What you called me?!" I argued, "a child because you act like one" he retorted. Gray and I clashed foreheads again "I guess they were like this the whole time" Happy said to Lucy, she giggled.

Suddenly the guild door slammed open revealing Sting and Rogue. "Is Lucy here?!" Sting shouted while Rogue remain emotionless. "Oh, great he's back" I muttered, "I heard that Natsu!" Sting shouted. "You were supposed to" I retorted, "come fight me!" he argued. I sat Lucy next to Happy on the table. "Lets go!" I shouted as we leap to each other, Gray and Rogue sighed. We got a few punches and kicks in before we were pulled apart by Gray and Rogue. Gray grabbed my vest while Rogue grabbed Sting's.

"Cool it Flame Brain" Gray said as he pulled me back to our table. I noticed Lucy wasn't there anymore, "Happy where's Lucy?!" I said, having a panic attack. Happy pointed and I turned to see her hugging Rogue's legs. "Hi Big Brother Rogue!" Lucy said, "hi Lucy" Rogue replied, kneeling down to hug her back. Sting was sulking from being ignored.

"Where's Froggy and Lector?" Lucy asked, "staying at the guild" he replied. "Am I invisible?" Sting muttered sadly, "I didn't forget you Big Brother Sting" Lucy said, running over to hug him. Sting picked her up to get a proper hug.

I felt annoyed, first Ice Princess and now Light Bulb. I quickly snatched Lucy off Sting and ran out the guild with Happy following. "What the-!" Sting exclaimed as he watch me running away with Lucy. "Not again" Rogue and Gray sighed. "Get back here!" Sting exclaimed, running after me.

After running around Magnolia, I managed to lose them. We ended up at the lake where Happy and I fish. I took out our fishing rods out from our special hiding spot and sat down beside the lake. I sat Lucy on my lap as I flicked my fishing line into the water. "What are we doing Papa?" Lucy asked, "fishing" I smiled my signature grin at her.

Happy got his fishing rod and sat beside me. "Want to help Papa fish?" I asked Lucy. "Yeah!" she happily said as I lowered my fishing rod. I let her hold the fishing rod with me.

Few minutes later I felt a big pull on my fishing rod, "we caught a big one!" I exclaimed as I stood up to pulled the fishing rod. I pulled and pulled my fishing rod while Lucy and Happy stood next to me, cheering me on. "You can do it Papa!' Lucy cheered, "come on Natsu!" Happy cheered.

With one final pull, I pulled a giant maroon fish out of the water. "Natsu, remember to leave my share raw" Happy told me. "Yeah I know" I said, I used my Fire Dragon Roar to cook the fish.

Suddenly I heard a rustling in the bushes with my Dragon Slayer hearing. I stopped my Fire Dragon Roar and turned towards the noise. "What's wrong Natsu?" Happy asked. I heard the rustling again, "Happy, stay with Lucy" I said without looking at them.

"Where are you going Papa?" Lucy said, I could hear concern in her voice. I turned to face her, "I'll be back soon" I said with a smile to ease her concern. She nodded and I walked towards the noise. When I went to where I heard the rustling was, I heard a scream. Lucy!

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