Chapter 2 - Heaven & Hell

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Master had left for a guild meeting and we were discussing ideas about capturing the bandits when Mira and Lucy came back from shopping. She was now wearing a light blue dress with a yellow bow at her waist. "Papa!" Lucy said excitedly when she saw me, hands out for me to hold her. "Papa?!" the guild exclaimed shocked as I walked over to her although some were laughing, mostly Gray and Gajeel, I gave them a glare.

"Like my new dress Papa?!" Lucy said happily, "it looks very pretty on you" I replied smiling. She smiled back before remembering something looking at Mira. "Aunty Mira where is my dragon?" she asked as Mira handed her a red dragon plush. She showed me "like Papa!" she smiled cuddling her new toy. I smiled sweetly towards her when I suddenly heard someone say "awe how cute." I turned to see two hooded men at the door. The one on the right seemed to be the one who said the comment.

I moved back placing Lucy on the floor behind me. She hid behind my legs as I ignited my fists on fire. "What are you doing here?" Erza said firmly, moving in front of Lucy and me.

"We want her," the leader stated pointing at Lucy. I was angry I won't let them touch her. "Are you the ones who put this spell on Lucy?!" I exclaimed angrily. They pulled down their hoods. The one on the right had pitch-black hair tied up in a messy ponytail and his eyes were blood red. He wore a black tight sleeveless shirt that outlined his muscles and baggy dark blue pants held up by a brown belt. The guy on the left looked exactly like the other guy except his clothes were white and yellow. He had matching hairstyle and facial features but with pure white hair and sunflower yellow eyes.

"Our boss is the one who turned her, we let you find her so we could have some fun" he said with a smirk, he held out his arm casting a spell. Suddenly everyone in the guild except for Lucy was wrapped in vine like shadows. "Papa!" Lucy exclaimed looking at me scared. 'This guy uses Shadow magic' I thought, I tried burn the shadows off with my magic but it didn't work. I turned to Lucy shouting "LUCY RUN!" She did as I told her, running towards the back exit of the guild.

She ran about a metre before the guy with white hair appeared out of a flash of light grabbing her. "Lucy!" the guild shouted. Lucy screamed as she struggled to get free from his grip dropping her dragon plush. That's Light magic, they remind me of Sting and Rogue. "Let go of her!" I yelled using my strength to release the shadow's grip on me.

I ran towards her trying to punch the guy who grabbed Lucy, with my fire but before my fist made impact he disappeared with Lucy appearing next to the black haired guy. "Papa!" she cried out to me crying. Lucy was CRYING I was enraged.

"Who are you?!" I yelled at the pair. "Brother shall we tell them," the guy with black hair said smirking, his brother simply nodded. "We're the twin Demon Slayers, my name is Hell and my brother's name is Heaven" he continued. "Demon slayers?!" Gray exclaimed, Hell turned his attention to Gray while Heaven kept his eye on me. "Ah you must be Gray Fullbuster the Ice Demon Slayer" Hell smirked. "Anyway, we better get going, can't keep the boss waiting" he said casually.

They started turning to leave the guild taking Lucy with them. "I won't let you take Lucy!" I shouted running at them with my fists ignited. "Shadow Devil's Rage!" Hell chanted releasing a large beam of shadows from his mouth, directing it towards me. I counted with my Fire Dragon Roar pushing him back as we ended up outside the guild.

"How interesting, so you're a Fire Dragon Slayer?" Hell smirked, "go on ahead Brother" he added. I gritted my teeth, 'I can't let them take her' I thought. Suddenly as Heaven was walking away with Lucy crying for me, a row of ice swords blocked their path. I turned to see Gray with his Demon Slaying mark on his body.

"Damn" Hell cursed, "I'm running out of magic energy, Heaven take them." Hell grabbed Lucy's arm switching roles. Heaven faced us in a fighting stance. "I'll distract Heaven and you take Lucy away from Hell" Gray whispered to me, I nodded understanding the plan.

"Light Devil's Rage!" Heaven chanted, Gray and I dodged his attack. Gray chanted "Ice Devil's Rage!" as I chanted "Fire Dragon Roar!" combining our magic towards Heaven. He got pushed back, Gray and I looked at each other knowingly. The plan was starting. Gray ran up to Heaven "Ice Devil's Zeroth Destruction Fist!" punching him in the stomach with his ice gauntlet covering his arm. Heaven coughed up blood from the impact.

I ran up to Hell "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" he pulled Lucy behind him as he tried to block my attack with his other arm. He released Lucy's arm as flew backwards from my attack. Heaven and Hell turned to us "we'll be back" Hell said before running disappearing into the forest with his brother.

Lucy ran to me, I kneeled down with my arms open, she hugged me tight. Her tears drenched my shoulder. "You're safe now Lucy" I say sweetly, she pulled away sniffling "Thank you for saving me Papa." She then turned to see Gray walking towards us. He kneeled down next to me, "are you ok Lucy?" he asks her. "Yes I'm ok, thank you for saving me as well Big Brother" she replies pulling out of my arms and hugging Gray. 'Big Brother?!' Gray and I thought, surprised about the name. I growled that she was hugging Ice Princess.

Gray was shocked for a second at the name but then relaxed and hugged her back. He then turned to me glaring and said "I'm not calling you 'Papa' just so we're clear." "I don't want you to call me that either" I replied glaring back.

As they broke the hug she ran back to me, I picked her up. Suddenly we heard "Lucy!" we turned to see the whole guild running up to us. They all sighed in relief seeing Lucy was safe.

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