Chapter 18 - Iron

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Someone interrupted my usual fight with Gray, we turned to see Heaven and Hell standing a little way away from us. Gray and I stood in fighting stance in front of Lucy and Asuka. "Lucy, Asuka, stay back" I said as Gray and I glared at the two Demon Slayers.

"Are you child stalkers? You two are just as much as a Pervert as Ice Stripper here" I smirked pointing towards Gray. "This is not the time to be joking around Natsu" Gray said sternly, "and I'll kick your butt later for that comment" Gray added snickering. I flashed my signature grin at Gray before we both attacked Heaven and Hell.

I went one-on-one with Hell while Gray went against Heaven. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist" I chanted lighting my fist on fire, unfortunately he dodged it. All the citizens around us fled the park as we fought. I jumped back, "Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted, breathing out fire. He avoided my flames by turning himself into a shadow and reappeared behind me. "Shadow Devil's Zeroth Destruction Fist" Hell chanted as he tried to punch me but I was able to twist and dodge at the last second.

Suddenly we heard a scream, Gray and I turned towards the scream to see a woman we've never seen before holding a struggling Lucy. With my Dragon Slayer hearing, I could hear Lucy's heart beat increasing and telling me she is terrified. I was about to run to save her when Hell blocked my path. "Your fight is with me" he said attacking me with a Shadow Devil's Rage. "OUTTA MY WAY!" I screamed dodging his attack and attacking with my Fire Dragon Talon. Hell continued to block my path to Lucy.

While Gray and I were fighting Hell and Heaven, Asuka went up to the woman holding Lucy "let Lucy go, you big meanie!" she said. "Asuka! Stay away from her!" Gray shouted as he dodged Heaven's Light Devil's Zeroth Destruction Fist. "Stay out of my way little girl" the woman said sternly while walking away, taking Lucy with her.

Lucy continued to cry out while struggling out of the woman's grip. "Are you the one called 'Pearl'?" Gray asked while fighting. The woman turned to Gray "I'm so glad you've heard of me" she replied sarcastically. 'So, this is the woman who hurt my Lucy!' I thought angrily. Before Pearl could walk up the stone stairs to exit the park with Lucy a voice spoke, "sounds like a party over here" someone said. Everyone's attention went to the top of the stone stairs and sitting there was "Gajeel!" Gray and I both said in unison.

Pearl just clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Iron Make: Cage" she chanted making a medium sized iron cage and putting Lucy inside of it. "Let her go!" I called out angrily while punching Hell in the face with my Fire Dragon Iron Fist. Pearl place the cage with Lucy in it nearby. "So you're an Iron Make wizard? Doesn't sound like much of a challenge!" Gajeel says as he leaps at her. Pearl lifts her arm to block Gajeel's Iron Dragon Sword, as he hits her, her arm turns into steel.

"So, you're Black Steel Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer? Interesting, you didn't think that was the only magic I had, did you?" she said smirking. Pearl pushed Gajeel back, "Iron God's Bellow!" she chanted blowing a massive iron tornado. Gajeel counted the attack with his Iron Dragon Roar, cancelling out her attack. "Gihi, now this is getting interesting" Gajeel said smirking as he turned his arm into a club. Pearl turned her arm into a blade as she charged at Gajeel. They clashed their blades together, attacking and dodging each other.

Soon everyone's fight was interrupted when we saw Sting and Rogue running towards us in the distance. Pearl quickly ran and grabbed the cage but noticed the cage empty. "That damn brat escaped" she said furiously as she looked around. "Gihi" Gajeel chuckled seeing Pearl furious. "You did this" Pearl glared, "I don't know what you're talking about" Gajeel snickered.

As soon as Sting and Rogue arrived, "Pearl, we better get going" Hell said turning himself into a shadow. In a flash of light, Heaven appeared behind Pearl. Putting his hand on her shoulder, they both disappeared in another flash of light.

"Where is Lucy?!" I looked around panicking. "Calm down Salamander" Gajeel said, "Levy come out" he added. Levy came out of hiding out behind the huge tree holding Lucy's and Asuka's hand. Lucy's eyes were swollen from crying. I sighed in relief, "Papa!" she cried out as she ran towards me. I kneeled down and she tackled me in a hug. "I-I w-was s-so s-scared" she said crying in my arms and "I know" I said as I patted her head trying to comfort her.

"I'm glad Lucy's ok" Rogue spoke up, "you were taking a while to come back so we thought we would check on you" Sting said. "We're glad you did" Gray said, "we should also thank Gajeel and Levy for showing up when they did" he added. Lucy had stopped crying, she wiped her eyes and came out of my arms. She ran up to Gajeel, "thank you Big Brother Gajeel!" she said hugging his leg. "Ok, ok, no need to get sappy" Gajeel replied putting his hand on her head.

Lucy then ran to Levy, hugging her legs, "thank you Big Sister Levy!" she said. "What happened to calling me 'Aunty Levy'?" Levy asked curiously. "You're more like a big sister to me!" Lucy replied. "Oh, I almost forgot" Lucy said turning to me and Gray. "Thank you Papa and Big Brother!" she said hugging me and then Gray.

"Lets head back to the guild" I said and then I felt someone grab my hand. I look down to see Lucy holding my hand, she wanted to hold my hand while we walk back to the guild. Asuka took Lucy's other hand as we walked back to the guild, hand-in-hand.

As soon as we walked in the guild, Asuka let go of Lucy's hand and ran over to her parents. Gray, Gajeel, Levy, Sting and Rogue went over to the bar where Gramps was, to report to him about what happened at Magnolia Southgate Park. I felt Lucy's hand tighten meaning she didn't want to let go of my hand just yet. Instead, I picked her up, hugging her close to my chest. "It's ok Lucy, you're safe now" I whispered to her and felt her relax in my arms.

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