The Copy For Comfort ☹

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The picture above nor any of the other pictures in the story are mine they're just being used and fan use I take no credit in creating them

Normal POV

Sasuke reappeared back at his hide out. He made sure Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu prepared it for me while I was busy with Naruto. It was fulled with the necessitates that anyone would need along with a full bar and bathroom."

"Sasuke Kun your back at last!" Karin jumped on Sasuke's back startling him. "Karin...what are you doing?" he asked and half demanded

"I just wanted to hug you Sasuke."

"You do remember there's only one person who can touch me right?"

"Yeah Karin? How the hell could you forget that?"

I quickly turned around to find Suigetsu teeth gleaming white in his smirk.

Karin huffed "Oh shut the fuck up you asshole!"

Karin jumped off and huffed "Your lucky Sasuke is here or you would be dead by my hand right now."

"It's a good thing Sasuke is in a good mood or you would be dead right now."

"I am not in a good mood you two."

"Nice knowing the three of you."

The four of them all quickly turned to find Obito standing in the corner with his Tobi mask still on.

"Maybe you should try stamping your feet to make your presence known." Sasuke said with a sneer.

"I take it things with your blond did not go well?"

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Why else would you be in a corner pouting?"

Sasuke glared at him "I am not pouting!"

"Then where is he?"

"I did not take him yet."

"Why not?"

"Because I was not ready to?"

"That is because?"

"Because I want to teach him a lesson."

"What lesson is that."

Sasuke had a vein pulsing on the side of his head "What is this a round of fifty fucking questions? I wanna make him realize that there is me and only me. I want him to realize this fucking pathetic village is just a waste of his time and that he should allow me to kill every single last one of these little bitches and make their lives a living hell. Just like they way they made his life a living hell!"

When Sasuke paused, he was gasping for breath "I made a promise to him years ago that I would come back for him...and he betrayed me. He was going to marry another and forget all about me! All about the promise I made to him. He is mine! No one else's! and I will gladly kill anyone who is against me or in my way."

Obito just simply stood there and listened to what Sasuke said "Interesting, you wish to punish Naruto but love him at the same time? You are a true Sadist it would seem when it comes to him."

Sasuke simply starred at him and held up his hand in a one moment sign and turned to Karin "I have a job for you."

"A job for me? I am listening my dear Sasuke."

"First off...stop giving me the nicknames or I will kill you."

Karin flinched but nodded

"Obito gave me a good idea. I need to keep an eye on Naruto and track where he is going.

"I believe he is probably by the infirmary because of what I did to Tsunade and Neji. I need you to find out where he is going. Because the moment he decides to leave the village is when I'll attack."

"Why don't you go? Then you could just grab him."

"Because the moment anyone sees me my plans will be ruined before they even start."

Karin nodded "Understood, Ill be back..."

"Hold it!"

Karin paused and Sasuke turned back at Obito.


He made a hand sign and Karin became a different person and outfit.

"Whats with the different get up?"

"If anyone recognizes her it wont be any good for us either."

"Fine, fine go now! If you don't hurry and get there before he goes back you will miss him."

Karin nodded again and left.

"Now to get back to what we were talking about. What happened to Neji and Tsunade?"

"Tsunade life last time I checked was on a limb. The bitch could not face her nightmare that I put her in. As for Neji I used the necklace sword that you gave me on him and it seemed to work perfectly."

Obito smiled behind his mask "Id say you did pretty well Sasuke." "Your shadow demons are waiting and ready to strike."

"I think you deserve a little reward."

Obito motioned the other two out of the room leaving Sasuke and Obito alone.

"What is it?"

"What if I was able to give a willing Naruto to you temporarily? Would you like that?"

Sasuke's eyes widened as if he peaked his interest "I am listening."

Obito did a quick hand sign then an exact copy of Naruto appeared.

The copy smiled "Hi Sasuke!" and the copy ran into Sasuke's arms

Sasuke stared at him and noticed his blue eyes were dead and frowned "No thanks, I prefer the real one.

Obito snickered "Are you sure? This is not like a shadow clone Sasuke. You can penetrate this one without it puffing away."

Sasuke just stared at him, as if he was thinking.

Obito laughed "I'll leave you two alone. Do what you will it will only be here for about two hours away."

He closed the door leaving Sasuke and the copy alone."

Sasuke walked towards the copy and kissed him.

Afterwards he frowned again, "Its not the same, you look like him, you smell like him, you taste like him...but your not him...your not my Naruto."

"The copy frowned "Sorry Sasuke..."

Sasuke sat on the bed and sighed "What am I doing? I would normally get a high off of something like this. I would have devoured him in a moment...but I feel like I can't." he stared at him "It's those eyes! They are so dead its a dead give away its a copy. Even with a shadow clone Naruto's eyes are shining with life."

Sasuke sighed again "I am sorry I can't but there is something your good for."

The clone nodded his head "Yes?"

"Sit on the bed and be my pillow."

"As you wish." The clone sat on the bed and patted on his lap where Sasuke soon after rested his head down.

"I will have you with my Naruto...the real you...and that's a promise." Sasuke promised himself when his eyes got heavy and he drifted off to sleep.

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