Ties That Bind Part 1

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Hey guys! Happy 2020 to you all. I wanna warn you all that there will be raw emotion, forgotten feelings, some force and .... (Pauses to star at readers) Well you guys know the drill by now right? This chapter is going to be ONE of THREE Chapters! Too much smut in one chapter and it ends up on Adult FAN FICTION! ENJOY! UNEDITED!

Obito continued to walk down the stairs. His heart beating fast with excitement. Also fear, as this was not apart of the original plan.

The plan was to get Tsunade's head on a gold platter and make this pathetic village pay! Not to find his childhood love! To come across the man who stole his heart as a child...the man whom he gave his left eye to.

Obito sighed aloud and continued down to where Kakashi and Garaa were being held.

Kakashi POV

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. Realizing I was sitting in some kind of cell.

"Garaa! You in here?" I shouted to no avail. They must have seperated us.

I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness SURROUNDING me.

The last thing I remembered was a man in a strange mask ambushed both Garaa and I and over powered us both due to being out numbered.

I Sighed and squinted again and paused. I turned my head to the direction of the stairs. Stairs that I did not notice till now.

I paused my shallow breathing and listened to what sounded like feet coming down steps.

It was the same man from earlyer!

The mask he was wearing had a single whole and a red eye was spining.

"Hello,old friend!"

Naruto POV

I stared at Sasuke, disgust and repulsion clearly written on my face.

"Everything is about you, Sasuke! You never care about me or what I want! It was always about what you wanted, not once did you even fucking ask. What about what I wanted, Sasuke?" I was practically screaming at this point.

"And every time I tried to speak up, you inevitably threw a fucking tantrum, and it ended in you killing someone or hurting somone I hold dear before I'd back down only to please you!"

"Heh." Sasuke really enjoyed being able to make the boy's blood boil so easily. "Glowering at me with those blue eyes of yours wont help the matter. However," Slowly standing to his feet, Sasuke strode around towards Naruto. "Seeing as you haven't said no..."

"Every fucking thing was always about you! You did what you always do - you took and took until there was nothing more left to give."

Sasuke looked at me then with a tilted psycotic look on his face "Do you want a boy or a girl then?"

I could feel my body shaking in rage and felt tears going down my eyes.

I roughly wiped my tears away in anger
Realizing I was already hormonal and starting to get sensitive.

Sasuke sighed "Well then....lets talk about somthing else then.....do you love me?"

I stared at him, eyes widening with the tears still running down my face.

"I wanted you to think about how you feel Sasuke persisted easily. "How did you feel, Naruto?"

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