Our Song

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Author's note: This song goes so well this chapter I just can't even.


"The bullet went right out, Mister. Your wife will be alright as far as we are aware.", the doctor reported as he interpreted the results back from his chart.

"Thanks doctor," Tomas said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

The ride to the hospital had been quite stressful, but knowing that Aila was fine made it all worth it. He would do anything to keep her safe from now on. Maybe the spy missions would have to be put on hold at least until he set things right with his uncle and his former associates.

Seeing Aila's weak smile after an emergency extraction of that fateful bullet made Tomas a bit teary-eyed at how she had prevented him from dying and thus risked her life in the process.

It was supposed to be him lying on the floor.

As the doctor turned to leave, he added, "I'm afraid I will have to call the obstetrician on call and have your baby delivered as soon as the OR room can be cleared for a caesarean."

"Why?", Tomas asked, perturbed at the fact of another operation the same night for his poor wife.

"How do I phrase this? Well, the amount of noise your wife's womb endured during the shooting exposed your baby to possible damage, even death from the deafening sound. Furthermore, there is a great chance that lead might have contaminated Aila's bloodstream which in turn leaves the baby at risk for a still-born death."

"Then do what you must.", Aila answered.

"Aila, are you sure about this?", Tomas whispered, "You just endured a surgery for the bullet..."

"And I can endure this one if it means saving our child.", she replied.

The doctor questioned how many weeks along Aila was and Tomas told him that it had been 38 weeks.

"Do you or your wife have any moral objections against performing a caesarean section?"

"No.", they both replied in unison.

"I'll inform you when the room is open."

He pulled the curtain close after him and the room was then filled with silence.

"So Tomas...are you going to make me sign divorce papers?", Aila squeaked as tears ran down her face.

"Why would I do that?", Tomas's brows furrowed. Had she been pretending to like him all this time?

"Let me see. I tricked you initially, used you to get close to your uncle and lied about my reason for being in the States. Don't you despise me for wrecking your life and putting you in danger?"

"No. It's my criminal mastermind of an uncle that wrecked my life. You shook my life upside down and shone a light on my obscurity of a pitiful life. For I once lived in shadows, but you showed me the sun and I've never been happier than I am when I'm with you.", Tomas retorted.

"Oh...Tomas...I thought you hated me and didn't want to see me again." she whispered back.

"Aila, you almost traded your life for mine this very night. If you had died on my account, I wouldn't know what do with myself. Our child needs his mother."

"He needs his father as well! I signed up for a life of risk, but you didn't! You shouldn't have to pay for what I do."

"Those men were after me, not you. Sometimes doing the right thing leads to people getting hurt. You weren't at fault."

"If your uncle founds out who I really am, what then? The past will catch up to us eventually."

"It doesn't matter! I still love you and our child. We will face the present together and worry about the future later", he declared.

Squeezing her hand and pressing it tightly, Tomas forced himself to think of the best for his wife. Dwelling on the events of this night would only leave his spouse nervous and anxious of the future. It would be better to remind her of what the world still had left to offer-the positives only, of course. However, Aila beat him to the punch of seeing the bright side of things.

"Matthias will have a very bright future ahead.", she stated as she rubbed her small belly. It had taken 3 months for Aila to notice she was pregnant. Morning sickness had been the trick; most likely, their son would be tiny at birth.


"Our son."

"You finally picked out a name after reading all those books and yelling, 'There's no name for my kid here!' at that poor librarian?", he teased.

"It's not my fault the names weren't right for our son. Anyways, Matthias is a variation of Matthew meaning gift of God. If you think about it, Matthias is our very own gift from God."

"That's so sweet. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were born out of marshmallows one day and popped into existence."

"Are you calling me fat?", she shrieked back.

Tomas regretted his last joke as he recollected all the articles he'd read about pregnant women being sensitive to any talk about their weight/size.

"Honey, that's not what I meant... I will always love you, dear."

"So I'm not your fluffy bunny?", she cried as she sniffled into a blanket.

"You're my Christine.", he muttered as he kissed her cheek lightly.

"And you're my angel of music, Tomas," she murmured as her eyes closed.

Suddenly, a string of Russian curses was heard from outside along with police chatter drowning out a familiar criminal shouting, "Those blasted Ukrainians will rue the day...".

After a few moments, the doctor opened the curtain.

"A spot has opened. We can't administer anesthesia, so you'll take a sleeping aid instead."

Aila sipped the sleeping-aid mixed water and nurses pushed her bed off towards the OR.

Tomas followed them 'til the foot of the OR only to hear his brother's voice calling out to him.

"Brother! I came here as soon as I could!", Alexander wheezed.

Tomas suddenly realized what he needed to do.

"I have a phone call to make."


Author's note: Whom could Tomas be calling? Do y'all think he can set things right again?

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