Power Out

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At around 9:30 in the morning, everyone started complaining that they were bored. Ashley still laying down on her sleeping bag, her group really didn't want to leave her side so Emily stood up.

"Why dont we play hide and seek?" She suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds fun" Belle agreed.

"What do you say?"

"Yeah sure!" Everyone else agreed.

Everyone gathered in the middle to find out who's the seeker. It ended up being Jay.

"Okay, so once your found your also supposed to find the others. You are also the next one to be the seeker" JM said and everyone nodded.

"No hiding in the bathroom" Jay reminded.

"So, get to hiding while jay counts 1 to 30!!" Wendy shouted and everyone bursted out the classroom.

Since they unlocked all the rooms in the school everyone started running in to them.

"Ready or not here I come!" Jay announced 30 seconds later.

He went to the second floor and search the computer lab. He was able to find Anna, Andrew, James, and Owen.

"Looks like I'm next" Anna said and the five of them separated. Two on the same floor and three on the first floor.

Twenty minutes later, they were able to find everyone except 4 people. Wendy, Fred, Seth, and Lara.

"I wonder where they went" James said

"Looks like they have the best hiding spot" Rowley said

"Oh come on. They were moving while we were looking!" Emily said

"Well, everyone split into three teams and search one floor each." Jay commanded and everyone cooperated easily.

10 minutes later they were able to find Seth and Lara in the kinder classroom.

"Have you found Wendy and Fred?" Jay asked the people on the second floor.

"Check the fire exit!" Lara suggested

"We've been so stupid!!" Rowley shouted

Lara and the others laughed and ran to the fire exit.

"Not there" James announced.

"Under the classroom!" Seth suggested and everyone looked at him.

"Under the classroom?" Everyone asked.

"I mean under the table" Seth corrected himself.

"Oh okay"

Lara raced to the third floor and checked under the table outside their classroom where she found Wendy and Fred.

"Gotcha!" She said. "Guys I found them!" She shouted as everyone gathered to the classroom while Alejandro helped them out.

The game continued until it was lunch time.

"Guys lunch time!" Luke shouted as he, Alejandro, Anna, and Karell cooked barbeque.

Everyone hurried in the classroom and ate lunch. After eating, Andrew, Rowley, Joshua, and Enzo collected the plates and trash and threw them out. The second they got back everyone was in a circle with 4 spots for them. Andrew took the one next to Junie while the other three sat down beside each other.

"So spin the bottle. Should be fun" Enzo said as the bottle spun around.

"Karell, truth or dare?" Owen asked from the other side of the bottle.

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