The 8 mysteries of the school

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Author's note: This will be part 2 of chapter 13 and why didn't I just put the rest there? Well that's because me and Lara's rule are 2000-3500 words only and we don't want a chapter to be too long because we'll run out of chapters.


"WHAT WAS THAT!" Saige screamed as she looked at the door

"Come on NOT NOW!" Andrew exclaimed

Suddenly a small paper slipped below the door

Killian: What's that!?

Killian said as he went to the door and took the piece of paper.




Killian: WOAH WOAH! Chill out it's just a note

JM & Emily : Okay.....

Karell: What does it say? *yawns*

Enzo: and seriously! I finally had a great sleep! *yawns*

Rowley kept snoring*

Enzo: Lucky.....

Karell: Rowley....

Killian:well anyways it says 'Hints May be seen but be careful and always be keen'

Wendy: Okay no! No poems! No writings!

Fred: okay don't freak out.....

Lalisa: guyyssssss! Aish.... Alejandro and the others are still resting!
Everyone : Sorry
James: Anyways me and the guys here are still talking about some stuff, in the meantime Killian,Seth and Emerald , Connect the notes to the other notes also Lalisa how are those three?
Lalisa: Well I've been observing, and they're doing well
James: Okay, Karell and Saige you guys think of Lunch

Killian,Karell and the others nodded

James: and the rest if I we're you guys take a rest, especially Enzo,Lalisa and Junie you guys need rest , Karell you too so after your done talking about Lunch leave it to Saige,Jay and Arwin, they'll make lunch and Lalisa leave it to Rose, Just Tell Rose what to do with the those 3

JM: wow, James you actually can become a leader
James: thanks! Well let's go back to what we were doing

The group then separated and went to their own thing, the others took the advice of James and slept while the 4 talked about the food, Wendy's Group though continued

Emily: Seriously, We're still going to talk about this
JM: We have no choice, and be honest you are curious
Emily: I guess so
Wendy: Well where did we last left off? And plus this might help us..... I've already got some stuff in my mind
James: some stuff? Well wait I have a question, Why are you guys the one always making the plan No offense
Emily: Offense not taken, Fred explain
Fred: Well the only reason why we're the planning group is because, Wendy you can think of theories and tell us, I can hack into stuff and get different kinds of info, JM can bring materials and stuff for the planning and Emily to command us and tell us if we're doing the right thing
James: You guys are pretty good if we combine you four
Andrew: Well Anyways let's continue
JM: Okay, So 8 Mysteries of the school No.4 Memory Lost
Emily: Memory Lost?
Andrew: Can I Tell this one?
JM: Sure
Fred: Seriously I'm the only clueless person here!
James: Continue
Andrew: Memory Lost, It's a story about a girl whose name is Lisa, she was walking around the grounds when her apparently boyfriend went to her and told her something important, the girl was at shock when she heard the news, a few days later she still couldn't keep it out of her mind so she decided to injure herself and try to forget it, so she jumped off the 3rd floor and survived , but when she woke up she still remembered everything, so then when she woke up at the hospital at midnight she went to the school all alone, she kept walking around the school and kept whispering 'kill me, kill me, forget, forget,' she kept repeating it over and over and then she reached the 3rd floor again and jumped off the roof again, and she survived again it was a miracle but she forgot about everything and when she forgot about everything she woke up and her boyfriend was next to her, her boyfriend asked her if she still remembered but she didn't, he ended up panicking and killed her. Ever since that day anyone who wishes to forget something , all you need to do is do the ritual in this school and then anyone who does the ritual here ends up getting corrupted by the girl and jumps off the roof
JM: Yep, for some reason that's the one that's more demonic and unbelievable type
Andrew: but for some reason it's also the one that's probably true
Emily: for the first time, I don't question
Wendy: Well for some reason, these leads to some stuff, I need to make sure first! What's the next mystery?
Fred: Well Well, I'm writing these down by the way, I'm a fast typer and plus a real info researcher knows how to get info fast
James: Cool, Well you guys sure are something
Andrew: Well Okay JM?
JM: Well Okay, 8 Mysteries of the school No.5 the Month Crisis, by the way.... this is the most relatable story to us so far
Andrew: Weird, I've never heard of this story I mean, I knew the others by title but this one is really unknown to me, it's neither familiar nor heard for me....
James: Same here... Anyways continue
JM: *clears throat* Okay here I go
So there were the kids who went stupidly camping in our school, at exactly 4 AM but they're different, teachers were with them and not only that but teachers also allowed them, this happened back in the first 10 years of this school? It was also counted as a celebration, and by the way this was like back in 1978 or something near that, I didn't do math
James: It's actually 1940, I heard that this school has been here for 88 years!
JM: Oh wait Seriously!? Wow, well anyways let's continue, so these guys went camping near the school but unlike us they just wanted to have a one night sleepover and some of the others were going home early since they warent really allowed to come so yeah, but anyways they went camping then when some were about to go home they met a accident, the others panicked and tried to leave but ended up in an accident, the people who managed to not panic and stayed calm called it a curse and stayed all night in the school, when they left In the morning they were able to live to tell the story, but then a year later they all died and it wasn't a coincidence it was like, they needed to die, the weirdest thing is.... is that they died the exact same time and died almost the exact way, they died at 4:00 AM but died every after 1 month so like for example the 1st teacher died at January, the 2nd victim will die in February, but they will die by either a gunshot,Suicide,stab or a heart attack but despite that they died in a different month, they died kept dying at exactly 4:00 AM

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