The Truth Untold

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(10 minutes ago after the entrance closed)

"My stuck!!" Dominic panicked as he tried pulling.

"What happened?" Junie asked and looked around. "Did we make it or not, 'cause the room looks the same"

"We didnt, the entrance closed before we got in. That also explains why Dominic's shirt is stuck in the wall" Fred explained and they all went behind Dominic and pulled.

"Thanks guys" he said as he was freed, but a hole on his shirt was left. "I can manage"

"Guys, a little help" JM breathe out from the corner under rocks and everyone looked at him.

"JM!" They shouted and ran to him.

They removed the rocks on top of him and pulled him out.

"I reached the entrance but my foot accidentally kicked it as it closed and I was thrown backwards" JM explained as he held his head.

"You okay? That was a lot of rocks" Lara asked as she sat down beside him.

"Im fine"

"We cant just stand here. Demigon still has minions and were still in his territory" Dominic said

"First, who sent us those fire extinguishers?" Junie asked

"Im tired af. Cant we rest from solving and running?" Fred complained

"Fine. 2 minutes to catch your breath and thoughts then were gonna go back to solving and running" Dominic said and laid down on the floor.

JM motioned his lap and Junie and Fred took the advantage and laid down on it.

"Two minutes is done! Come on get up!" Lara said while clapping her hands and everyone groaned.

"How do you know?" Junie asked

"I have a watch" she pointed at her risk.

"Okay. So whats the plan? Kick the wall?" Fred asked

"It actually involves the floor" Lara said and everyone stared at her.

"Im listening" Junie said

"Well, I remember reading a book about-" Lara was cut off by Dominic.

"Cut to the chase!" He demanded and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Since fire was in the other room, we should check if the floor is made out of stone or not" she said quickly

"Im sorry what?" Fred asked

"We have to check the floor if its stone or not!" Lara said slowly.

"Why?" JM asked

"You daft dimbo! Fire was in the other room and stone cannot melt!"Junie said as she hit his head.

"Exactly! Which is why we have to check it. If were lucky enough and floor is cement, there should be holes on the floor" Lara explained and shuffled to her feet.

"That seems logical. But, say there ARE holes in the floor. What do you want us to do, jump?" Dominic asked as he and the others stood up as well.

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