Chapter 11 : 'Whatever'

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"Are sure you're okay? " The girls asked again.

"Yes guys. It's just a ball." Casey laughed because of how worried they all.

"You didn't saw how the ball hit your head Casey. We saw it." They all cringed when they remember seeing the ball hit straight to Casey's head. It feels like a slow motion.

"But I'm okay right now, right." Casey laughed again.

"Hey, Cas? " A very familiar voice said. A big smile appear on Casey face the moment she hear that voice.

"Max." Casey turned around from sitting on top of the table before she jumped straight to Max body where Max caught her immediately.

"Are you okay? " Casey asked while hugging his body. She hide her face on the crook of his neck.

"Max, this girl here have been missing you for almost everyday. She went insane." One of Casey's girl friends said.

"I miss you too, Cas." Max deep voice said. It was the best feeling to know someone that you like is missing you but it hurt a lot knowing you two can never be more than a friend.

Max's left hand went to cupped Casey's face to make her look at him. Max watched how she smiled widely at him while her eyes stared deep into his eyes before she once again rested her face on his shoulder.

"I'm okay, Casey." If only he can hold her like she is his girlfriend. Max gulped down the pained feelings before he let Casey go.

Casey looked up at her best friend seeing his cheek swollen a little. Max tried his best to not make eye contact with Casey knowing she saw the swollen cheek.

"What happen to you?" Casey asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's nothing, Casey. "

"You got into a fight and skipped school because of this?" Casey watched Max who is not looking into her eyes. His head is bowed down staring at the floor.

"It's not my fault, Casey. I didn't started it, he the one that start it."

"Who is he? " Casey asked because of how Max didn't mention the guy's name. Max stared at her for awhile before he sighed.

"I come here with a good mood Casey. Let's just forget about this fight. At some point you will know too."

"Okey." Casey mumbled out not feeling satisfied with his reason. She don't want to be the one who ruined someone's good mood.

"Let's go to our class guys." Casey picked up her things together with her friends before they started walking to class.


"I'm sorry. I didn't watched where I was going." Casey apologized immediately before looking up at that person face.

Cold. Deep stares.

His eyes wandered to the person standing beside Casey with a glare before he looked away.


Just like how we first met.

Casey eyes followed Hunter every movement walking away from the place they bumped.

"You're okay there. Don't mind him." Max asked Casey. He then wrapped his arm around Casey's shoulder.

"Let's go." They continued walking again before separating their way to their class.

Max walked Casey to her class with silence surrounding them.

He opened the door and let Casey in but not before stopping her from entering her class.

"Don't think a lot about Hunter. Now go -"

"Are you guys done now." It was not a question. Both Max and Casey turned around to look at the person behind them.

Max let go off Casey before he walked to the back a little to let Hunter enter the class. Hunter stares stayed on Max before he make way to enter the class.

"Kids." Hunter mumbled quite loud for Max and Casey to hear it.

Casey looked down at her shoes before she looked at Hunter and Max. She didn't know what to do at the situation like this.

"Don't mind him. Go and sit now Casey. Remember what I have said. Okay? "

"Okay." Casey smiled at Max before she walked to her usual table but stops when she saw someone is already sitting on her chair.

"You're sitting on my place." Casey mumbled.

"I don't see your name on it." Hunter eyes looked at her from the corner of his eyes. This kind of attitude really pissed off Casey.

"Whatever." She mimicked the way Hunter said it before taking a seat in front of Hunter.

Casey definitely saw how Hunter stares stayed on her after she mimicked him.

Tak tak tak

Casey turned around to looked at Hunter after he tapped on her chair using his foot. But it seems like Hunter is playing around with her because he's not looking at her after she turned around to looked at him.

He's chin was rested on his hand while his eyes looking at the front class completely ignoring Casey who is looking at him.

Hunter didn't disturb her after that anymore but his long legs that was stretched on each side of her chair really caught her attention.

Casey find it a little bit cute while every students looking at them questioningly.

But then suddenly her chair dragged to the back causing a loud noise.

"Any problem there Casey? " Her teacher asked. Casey stayed shocked for awhile after what Hunter just did with her chair. She was totally not ready for that.

Casey glared at Hunter who was looking at her with a raised eyebrows and smiling face.

"I'm sorry. I dropped my pen." Casey lied before she acted like she's really picking up her pen from the floor.

Some students looked at her to see if it's real while some students already know the culprit that caused the scene.

Good thing the teacher didn't ask her anything again and continue teaching the class.

Casey went to sit at the correct position again feeling really dumb because of what Hunter just did.

Stupid 'whatever' Idiot.

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