Chapter 17 : "we still haven't got the chance"

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"Your house?" Casey asked with a furrowed eyebrows. She watched Hunter slowly placing back the seatbelt at his left side before looking at her.

"Yes. Any problem?" He asked with a raised eyebrows.

"No. I thought we're going somewhere ."

"You thought." Hunter said before getting out of his car and closed the door.

Casey closed the door and when to stand right next Hunter who is waiting for her. Deep inside her heart, she's angry with Hunter's attitude especially the way he talked with her. It's really annoying.

Hunter pushed open the front door. A first she thought he's just gonna walk away with how moody he is today and let herself open the door but he actually being a gentleman. He waited until she entered his house before closing it.

"Hunter is that you?" A sweet and familiar voice said before the owner of the voice came out from one of the room. She hugged Hunter and walked to stand in front of Casey with her wide smile.

"Hi, Casey. You remember me?" Casey nodded shyly and her shyness went doubled when Hunter's granny hugged her tightly.

"I've been waiting for this perfect moment to get to know you more because the last time I didn't get a chance to talk with you. It was such a suprised for me when Hunter told that you were his girlfriend." Casey's eyes widened.

She still remember that!?

Her eyes glanced at Hunter who rolled his eyes before showing his phones where he typed  'I'll explain to her later.'

"Let's continue this talk at the kitchen. I've prepared everything for Hunter's girlfriend." Casey blushed but nodded at her and walked with her to the kitchen. Hunter joined the two of them too and just listened to what the two of them talked.

Her granny asked about her family background and about her. Slowly her shyness went away for how long they talked.

"Hunter's parents is not here. A few years ago they live in this house but got transfer to another place a few hours from here." She sipped her tea before continuing where she has stopped.

"I told his parents that I don't really like that big city and Hunter went fast to volunteer himself to stay with me here." Casey nodded when she finally know the reason of him coming back here. It's a city here but not that busy city where some people is still wide awake even if it's 2a.m.

"I'm not a fond of the monorail sounds." Hunter's granny added before bursting into a laugh where Casey find it funny too.

Casey don't remember meeting Hunter's granny a few years ago when she's still Hunter's friend. She only met a few times with Hunter's parents because of how busy they were.

"Have you guys when on a date?" Hunter's granny suddenly asked which make Casey let out a gasped. She's not good with acting. She looked at Hunter who seemed to be relax at that question.

"Oh no. Don't tell me that-" Hunter's granny started as she turned to looked at Hunter.

"We haven't got the chance, granny. I just don't want to waste any time on asking her to be my girlfriend." Casey eyes widened. He's not solving this problem. He's adding more. How is he supposed to explain to his granny about their non existence relationship.

Hunter signalled her with his eyes to play along. Casey send him her devil stares before fake coughing as she looked at Hunter's granny.

"Yes, we still haven't got the chance -" Casey stopped.

"Lucy. Just call me Lucy." She smiled sweetly at her.

"What Hunter said is true, Lucy. We still haven't got the chance." Casey faked laughed.

"Well, that's a little weird. But grab a chance when you two have it." She hold Casey's hand while smiling at her as if she was comforting her because of her situation.

"Would you like to stay until dinner?" She asked as she stand up.

"Sure. I just need to tell my parents about that." Casey stand up too when she saw Hunter's granny collecting her glass and bring it too the sink.

"It's okay. Just leave it there. The maid will come later to clean it."

"Oh no. It's okay. It's not like I'm rushing." Casey smiled before she went to collect her glass and Hunter's and brought it to the sink. She then helped washed the glass and put it on the glassware cabinet.

Hunter when to grabbed her hand but got stopped by his granny.

"I'll call you guys later when it's time for dinner."

"Okey, Lucy." Just as Casey replied to Hunter's granny just as the doorbell ringing.

"Ohh, it's probably a new friend of mine from the left house." She went for it leaving the two of them there at the kitchen.

"You're-" Casey started but got stopped by Hunter's hand cupping her mouth.

"We'll talk this at my room not here." He said and dragged Casey to his room.

Casey watched Hunter locked his bedroom door, she wasted no time to rant about what just happened just now.

"You're not solving the problem." Her finger jabbed on his left chest as she talked.

"You think I'm planning on making this a bigger problem." He rolled his eyes and was about to walk away when Casey suddenly started to cry.

"Are you serious." Hunter looked down for awhile before he looked back at Casey who is hiccuping while crying.

"You told me, you will explain it to her." Casey said in between her hiccups.

"I will but not now. I just don't have the heart to stop her from feeling happy about us having a relationship." Hunter hugged her and let her head rest near his chest.

"Please, don't cry again." He slowly wiped her tears trying not to wipe near her eyelashes.

For once, Casey feel really comfortable in his embrace but she is yet to understand this new feelings towards Hunter.

His hand when to cupped her face and brought her face to looked up. When, he kissed her there, she wasted no time to kiss him back.

Why am I reacting this way.

She snaked her hands around his neck and kissed him back the same way him kissing her hard. He let out a breath the moment they break apart and unlocked the door.

"If you're feeling tired just sleep on my bed. You can watch me play games if you're not sleepy." Casey nodded. She followed Hunter to his bed and climbed together on his bed.

"I think I'm just gonna watch you play games." That's what she said but after for awhile she slowly sleep next to Hunter who was still busy playing games.


I'm sorry for the late update.:')

Thank you to the one that just added my book into their library and thank you so much for the votes.


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