Chapter 10 : He's good at Soccer

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Casey put her bag into the locker after changing into PE's shirts. She then when to the mirror and tied her hair into a tight bun so her hair will stay neat until the end of PE's class.

She didn't missed the conversation of all her friends talking about how Hunter caused a scene and humiliated Nana in front of everyone.

Casey walked out of the locker room before walking together with a few students to the field.

"What do you say about what Hunter did just now, Casey? " All the girls asked.

"It's a little bit harsh." Casey smiled awkwardly because she don't really know what to say about the scene.

"Ohh come on, you must admit that was funny." A girl named Brenda nudged her. For them, there's no pity for student that get humiliated.

Casey smiled with tight lipped but didn't said anything. She continue walking with them while they continue talking about how Nana run away and mimicked Nana's crying face but make it look more uglier than what it was supposed to be.


The sounds of whistle for the third time signalled that it was the last jogs.

"Okay, gather here!" Their coach called all of them while clapping his hands to catch their attention.

Casey and all the students started walking like a zombie to where the coach is standing.

"You guys will be playing soccer, no excuse everyone must participate. No playing dirty, I don't want to hear any of you come to me telling me that you injured your body." The coach said getting a few 'okay, coach.' and a nods.

"Get into a group, 8 boys on the other team and the other 8 boys goes to the other team. Move now." All the girls divided into two teams before the boys moved into the two groups.

One boy from each team went to then middle to see who will get the chance to throw the ball first.

Casey looked at the other team to see if they are stronger than her team but gasped when she saw Hunter's face. He was walking into his position along with his other teammates.


The other team get the ball first and is about to pass the ball to one of the girl when suddenly Hunter went to the ball and run with it to Casey's side.  He was running really fast and every time boys or girl from Casey's team tried to get the ball he can avoid it easily.

"Get the ball! " Lucas shouted. Every one of them went down to where Hunter is running but they didn't get a chance to stop Hunter when he kicked the ball straight to the net getting their first point.

They just started the games and the other team already get their points not even in five minutes.

"What the heck just happened? " Natalia, Casey's teammates said still not believing it.

"Casey, Natalia, come here." The boys called.

"Come on we need to work together, the other girls is busy ogling Hunter and they scared of ball." Matt said before the other nodded including Casey. They fist bump each other before running in the front side while some goes to the back near the goalposts.

The other team starts passing ball to their teammates before once again Hunter got the ball and tried to make it to the front but it was not as easy as it was before. Matt steal the ball and passed it to Mitchel.

A few boys starts running down to the rivals side. Hunter chased back for the ball and easily get it back and once again tried to make it to Casey's team side but Natalia end it with a kick and passed it to Casey.

"Casey run! " Natalia shouted and so Casey did it. She run as fast as she can with the ball dodging every attempt of stealing the ball before she passed it to Nick and Nick end it with a kick straight to the net but the goalkeeper caught the ball.

"It's okay, guys. We tried our best." Matt said loudly but more to the athletes in their team.

Hunter did a few attempt to kick the ball to the net but lucky Casey's team's goalkeeper managed a few times to catch the ball.

"There's a few minutes left before we end the game." The coach said loudly after looking at his watch.


They know they will lose it but still want to try to at least get 2 points. They went to their position again before they continue playing again.


Casey body fall together with the ball after Hunter kicked it too hard to the other side when her team tried to steal the ball from him.

The impact is really strong that she feel really dizzy and saw a black dots everywhere. Everyone starts running to her place including her coach who looked to be shocked too.

"Casey, wake up! " All of them surrounded Casey while Matt tried to shake her body to get her respond.

"What? " Casey whispered the words because of how dizzy she feels.

Her body being carried is the last thing she remember before she let herself passed out.

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