Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Auburn’s POV

I woke up being warm and jumpy. I looked up at the ceiling to see if I can figure out where I am. I don’t remember much of what happened the night before or at least I think that it was the night before. I was looking around the room and saw that it looked a lot like a typical teenage boys room then when Noah walked in it all flooded back to me. The run, the stitch, falling on the ground in agony, Noah cupping my hand and whispering soothing words to me. Then I remember the white and all four paws and then I remembered what Noah had told me about werewolves and the change as well—

“Hey you’re finally awake.” He said and I realized how much I had missed his voice it was always so soothing.

“Ya I guess hey how long was I out?”

“You were out for three days.”He said as he had a sad look on his face.

“Hey what’s wrong?”

“I just missed you a lot it was so quiet and it was lonely without you here to talk to or annoy or even just sit with.”

“Aww thanks so what exactly happened to me?”

“You changed apparently you just needed to find your mate.”

“O and you’re my mate right?”

“Yes and don’t think that you can get rid of me now cause sorry to break it to you but you’re stuck with me now. There ain’t no getting rid of me.”

“Darn it I was thinking that maybe I would go and talk to Kyle to see if he wanted to go and hang out on Friday night. Maybe I still will?”

I heard a low growl come from the back of Noah’s throat one second he was at the doorway and the next he was on top of me pinning me to the bed.

“Geez possessive much?”

“Yup and for your information darling I will personally rip off his balls if he so much as looks at you the wrong way ever again.”

“Oh my, someone is a little protective aren’t you, sugar?”

“Yup so now you’re stuck with me Friday night we are gonna go to a movie, k?”

“What if I don’t wanna go on a date with you?”

“Then I will persuade you somehow.”

With a cocked eyebrow I responded “ Really how so?”

He leaned in so he was close to my ear and he whispered “ I will do this.”

I thought for a second and then the next moment I was laughing and rolling around trying to get him to stop.

“Stop it! I’m serious Noah stop tickling me!!”

“Not until you agree to go out with me on Friday”

I thought for a second putting him in suspence.

“Well Ummm I don’t know I might not wanna go on a date with you cause you were tickling me several times. “

“PLEASE!!!!!! I’m gonna keep begging and tickling you until you say yes!!!!”

“Fine anything except tickling again. O I forgot something.”


I leaned in really close to him and put my head on his forehead I smirked slightly and I breathed in his heavenly scent then I heard it. It was like a running a marathon I think that it might have been his heartbeat quickening. Then I leaned in closer until I was close to his lips and I said softly while grazing his

“I’m going to get you back so much for tickling me earlier.” I said while smirking lightly I then leaned in a little bit more closing my eyes and then I wound one arm around his neck and I could feel is breathing quickening as his warm breath tickled against my lips then at the last second I put my hands on his chest and with all the force in my little body that I can gather and I pushed him on to the bed and I made a mad dash for the door and I jumped down the staircase and then I ran into Kyle on my way down to the corridor.

“Wow, slow down what’s going on?”

“I was talking to Noah and then I leaned in and started teasing him cause he did that to me so I was getting sweet payback.”

“O well then you better run cause he is coming down the hallway so run as fast as you can.”

“Ok thanks BYE!!!”

“Auburn you can run but you can’t run from me!” He bellowed from the top of the staircase.


I kept running and then when I got outside I ran into one of the other wolves that obviously lived there and he caught me while I was running.

“Well hey there sweetheart. Where were you running too so quickly?” The mysterious wolf said.

“Ummm I teased my boyfriend about something and I ran from him and now he is almost out the door so please let go of my waist so I can keep running from him to keep him from teasing me even more EEEEPPPPP I got to go cause that’s him so ya BYE!!!” With that I sprinted towards the trees and I had every intention of changing when I got there I felt my waist grabbed and I was down on the ground in the next few seconds. Looking up into the eyes that had captured my attention the first day of school.

“Darling did you really think that running would work?”


 “I mean no”



“Gahhh no I didn’t think it would work but I got pretty far considering that I got stopped twice”

“Twice I thought that you only got stopped once and that was with Kyle. Who else stopped you?”

“I don’t know but I thought that he belonged to your pack so I didn’t think much of it.”

“Shoot. What did he look like?”

“Ummm he was about your height brown eyes and really muscular.”

I wonder why he is getting so worked up over this I mean he didn’t seem like he wanted to harm anyone.”

“Ok darling I’m gonna have to go deal with somethings I’ll take you back to school and then I’llll try to be there tomorrow. Ok?”

“Ok but what is this all about?”

“Remember when I said that a rouge had gotten away?”

“Ya but you said that he was injured?”

“Yes but Werewolves heal faster than humans do.”

“O ok well text or call me when your done with that.”

“Alright let’s get you back.”

Alright so what did you guys think?

OMG I have almost 60 reads i'm so happy. Thank you guys so much it is really appreitiated!!!!!

So i'm gonna go now so BYE!!!!

P.S. New chapter prob today maybe tomorrow????

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