9 ~ Betrayal

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A vertibird picks Uri up from Waypoint Echo to drop her back at the airport; for which she is very grateful. Though she would love more time to catch up with Scribe Haylen, there's a constant stream of battle-ready adrenaline keeping Uri's nerves on edge. They are so close, now. So, so close. They have the nukes, Ingram will soon have the power, and then Prime will be ready to go. She gazes down at the warmongering robot as they dock aboard the airship, and is again stricken by just how deadly he would have been at Anchorage. Would the Great War have gone differently if they'd had this metallic monster at their back?

Uri knows that something is wrong the second her feet hit the catwalk. Kells is awaiting her return, and he looks livid. Sure, she has angered the Lancer-Captain before, but never to this degree. The Brotherhood's second-in-command has always been a picture of calm austerity... So the fury in his glare has a cold chill crawling up her spine. Never one to shy away in fear, Uri reaches up to disengage her helm.

"Lancer-Captain," She frowns, "Sir - have I done something wrong?"

He looks even angrier at that.

"I do not believe for a moment that you were unaware of this," the Captain spits. Uri hadn't noticed the Lancer-Pilot disembark beside her, but she does now. He cowers behind her suit to avoid from his commander's wrath.

"Do you want to at least fill me in on what you are referring to, Sir?"

"Do not feign naivety!" His oak eyes are wild as he steps closer. "You may have the Elder wrapped around your finger, but you do not fool me. I was under the impression that you were good for him. I have always had my concerns regarding your past, but Maxson seemed happy - so I accepted you. Your many successes for the Brotherhood backed your worthiness. Proved you to be loyal regardless of your bouts of going AWOL; but everyone aboard this ship knows that you often make friends of abominations. So, I find it very difficult to believe that you did not know about this!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Uri thunders, fighting the urge to toss her helmet. The throbbing vein in his temple looks like a worthwhile target under this tyraid of unwarranted abuse. Even through his fury, the Lancer-Captain recognises they are not alone. He sets his sights on the terrified pilot.

"Dismissed, Yanning! That goes for all of you - inside the ship!"

The deck-scribes, who had been drawn in by the officer's anger, quickly scurry to flee the docking station. Uri grinds her teeth whilst willing her temper to cool down. There's no point in tossing the Lancer-Captain off the Prydwen. She wouldn't get to fight the Institute if she did something like that, would she...?

"Paladin Danse!" Kells spits the second they are alone. "He is a synth."

His fierce gaze stays locked on her face: trying to prove his theory right by catching a knowing expression... But Uri's eyes widen, and her jaw goes slack.

"No," she chokes. "No, you're wrong. That's impossible!"

"Proctor Quinlan discovered it with thanks to the holotape you retrieved. I can assure you that his findings have been treble-checked."

"Shit!" her heart thumps dreadfully, "he can't have known. The Railroad... fuck, the Railroad must have wiped his memory. Given him false memories."

The glassiness leaves her eyes. It's replaced by sheer panic.

"Where's Paladin Danse?"

"That is none of your concern!" Kells barks. He had appeared sympathetic upon realising that Uri was in the dark, but the dread in her stare has his jaw twitching once more.

"Then I want your permission to come aboard. If you won't tell me, the Elder will."

"Elder Maxson is not on board."

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