10 ~ Eve

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The nuclear payload is being packed into Prime as they fly overhead; Uri continues to watch until her power armour lets out a warning beep. The power core died sometime on their way back, and it hasn't shut up since. The Knight has half a mind to just leave it on the catwalk, but that wouldn't win her favours with the deck-scribes. So, feeling a lot like dead weight, she trudges on up to the Prydwen's entrance - just looking forward to getting it back to the armour bay.

Sadly, Kells stands waiting for them.

"Jesus," Uri grumbles, then promptly ignores Arthur's scowl. He jumps off before her and strides on over, leaving Uri to trudge behind.

"Elder. I assume the traitor has been dealt with?"


It's a good job Uri has her helmet on. With how much she has on her mind, she had almost forgotten to act like Danse is dead.

"Permission to leave?"

"Denied," Arthur hisses over his shoulder. The exchange seems to please Kells. "The strangest thing happened while I was on the ground. It seems that Knight Sanchez knew exactly where I was headed... You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, Lancer-Captain?"

If he were capable of it, Uri would swear that he blushed. His sudden, flustered bout is evidenced through a blink of surprise followed by the stiffening of his stance. Uri can only compare it to watching the stick up his ass being thrust deeper.

"Apologies, Sir. Knight Sanchez has a particular way of pressing the buttons of those around her. If I hindered the mission in any way, I will take punishment in whatever way you see fit."

"That won't be necessary," Arthur sighs, throwing her a defeated glance. "The mission was a success. Just... don't let it happen again."

Uri smirks. She doesn't miss the flash of anger that flits over the Lancer-Captain's features. Oh, she can just picture what he wants to say. A harshly worded reminder that he cannot expect that of his soldiers when he lets her walk all over him - the Elder of their organisation. But, like the good old soldier he is, Kells keeps his mouth shut and nods in understanding.

"Has Proctor Ingram returned?"

"Not yet, Sir. Our scribes reported an influx of synths as they reached the agitator, but the mission is on target to be a success. We had reinforcements on stand-by, and they were able to attack immediately."

"Outstanding," Arthur says, but he doesn't sound happy. He sounds exhausted. "I shall prepare for the Proctor's return. Make sure the scribes working on Prime are at the airport for when she gets back. Dismissed."

"Yes, Sir!" Kells salutes, but the Elder is already prowling up to the Prydwen's entrance. The Lancer-Captain flashes her a disgruntled glare, so she hurries on up to the power armour station before he can chew her out for following him so overtly.

Arthur is on the command deck when she returns; pacing the panels overlooking the Commonwealth's ruins. He doesn't make any effort to speak to her, so she leaves him be.

With Ingram's mission to collect Prime's power core still ongoing, Maxson finds himself in an uncomfortable position. Caught between a rock and a hard place; he is not yet able to debrief his soldiers on his battle plans. The air is tight with their impatience but, despite this, he finds himself worrying for Ingram's safety above anything else. It is the first time he has allowed Ingram into battle since her injury. Although she has kept up with her fitness regime, she is not the spritely woman she once was. Her time in the Pride was spent battling Enclave and Super Mutants alike - but the Pride are gone, and so too is the battle-ready Paladin she had once been.

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