Chapter Nine

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T/W: Blood

~Jeremy's POV~

I looked behind me and realized that Michael was gone as soon as the door slammed shut behind me. I ran back to the door and turned the knob but it was locked. I couldn't open it since I had left my bag in his basement. I frantically ran to the front of his house and shook the door, trying to open it. Of course, it was locked.

I sat down beside the door, thinking about what to do. I was really concerned for Michael. He just took a Squip without any warning and I doubt it was for popularity, he never ever EVER cared about what others thought. His dad has and is emotionally abusing him, who knows what else he might be doing. I stayed outside, not knowing what I was waiting for.

I suddenly heard the door click open from the inside and hid behind the wall. I peeked from the side and saw his dad storming out, not even bothering to fully close the door. I silently crept towards the door while he drove away from his house. As soon as I got in, I called for Michael's name.

I frantically ran downstairs, trying to find Michael. I spotted my bag and quickly grabbed the spare keys and shoved it in my pocket in case I needed it later on. I ran back up the stairs and headed upstairs and into his room. I burst through the door as I saw Michael's eyes close as soon as I did.

I stared at Michael, his shirt stained with blood, his neck covered with blood, his face stained with tear tracks and his hands tied to the pole. I held back the tears as I pulled out my phone frantically.

I dialled 911 and gave them his address. They said they would be over very soon and I hung up, letting my tears flow down my face freely. I untied his hands from the rope and picked him up, rushing downstairs just as the ambulance arrived.

"Please don't leave me Michael..."


I tapped my foot rapidly on the floor and chewed my nails, some old habits of mine. I waited for them to let me visit Michael which was taking longer than I expected it to when I saw a doctor walking over to me.

"Excuse me, are you Jeremy Heere?" He looked up at me with a smile and I nodded. "Michael Mell is open for visitors now, please follow me" He turned around and walked towards the elevator, me following behind him. We went in the elevator and went up to the third level.

"Oh and by the way, I'm Dr. Kanabar" He held his hand out and I gladly shook it, but I was still tapping my foot like crazy, nervous for Michael. As soon as I heard the 'ding' from the elevator, the doors opened and we stepped out. I followed him and he stopped at a certain room and opened the door.

I saw Michael on the hospital bed, bandages on his arm and stitches on his neck. "He's still unconscious, he'll hopefully wake up by soon" Dr. Kanabar said from behind me then left the room. I grabbed a chair and sat beside him, my hand in my hair. Suddenly, I heard my ringtone go off.

I took out my phone and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Jeremy!" I was met with Christine's bubbly voice on the other side "Did you find Michael yet?"

"Yes, but-" I was interrupted by Christine speaking up again as I felt anger boil inside me.

"Perfect! Now that he's okay, let's go to a new restaurant today! Afterwards, we can-" I couldn't take it anymore

"No! Christine, he's in the hospital! I'm not going anywhere with anybody until he gets better!" I hung up the call, infuriated. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before looking back up at Michael. I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault, I never picked up on anything he had done.

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